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Diane from Indianapolis, In writes

How to I treat an Autumn Blaze Maple with Armada as a slurry that is poured into the soil. How do I mix?

My Autumn Blaze Maple was treated once with Armada this year. Apparently is was supposed to be treated again. It now has anthracnose and I need to have it sprayed or treat the ground systemically. The arborist who treated it dropped off the remainder of the product. It is 50 WDG.


Armada 50 WDG Fungicide would only be applied as a foliar application for anthracnose on ornamental trees as directed on the product label.  We cannot advice or comment on any other application that is off label and/or recommended/done by a third party. Interiorscape, Commercial and Residential Landscape Applications Foliar Diseases: ARMADA 50 WDG will control foliar diseases of ornamental plants when applied as a foliar spray to the plant species listed on this label. Apply 3 to 9 oz ARMADA 50 WDG per 100 gallons of spray solution. Apply as a full-coverage spray to the point of drip and repeat at 14 to 28 day intervals until the threat of disease is over. Begin applications when conditions are favorable for disease development and continue until the threat of disease is over. Use higher rates or shorter intervals under high disease pressure. The breakdown per gallon for the rate above is approx 0.03 oz to 0.09 oz per gallon.

Answer last updated on: 08/14/2019

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Armada 50 WDG Fungicide

Armada 50 WDG Fungicide

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