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Tony from Canton Ma writes

If no rain is coming, when should I irrigate after spreading milky spore?

I line in MASS. I am planning to aerate and spread milky spore (granular) on my lawn. We have been getting rain but its now not supposed to rain heavy/steady for a couple of weeks. Once I lay spore down and our irrigation system is turned on again how long should i water spore in? Also is there a chance milky spore could burn green grass?


You can wait 36 to 48 hours before watering in the Milky Spore Powder. Make sure you water the Spore before raking or mowing your lawn. The whole idea is to soak the Spore into the soil where it will become available to grubs feeding on the roots of grass. Simply use an oscillating hose sprayer for 15 to 20 minutes over the entire treated area. There may still be some white residue but this is chalk used as carrier for the spores.  The Milky Spore Powder will not harm your grass.

Answer last updated on: 05/01/2018

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Milky Spore Powder

Milky Spore Powder

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