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Michael from North Branford, Ct writes

If I use 10 x the recommended amount and dumped a 5 gallon bucket of Bio Advanced Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus Concentrate every foot along my foundation, how harmful is it and will it hurt anything?

I'm thinking the more i use the deeper this goes and getting it to flow under the house would be better than just the top 6" but I don't want to kill every fish for ten miles either.


No, we do not recommend you using more than what the product label advises as this is unapproved use of the product and can actually provide the opposite result in treating but also be a waste the product and your efforts.  If using Bayer Advanced Carpenter Ant & Termite Killer Plus Concentrate to treat for termites, the mix rate is 6 fl oz per gallon of water and pour 4 gallons of mixed solution every 10 linear feet in a 6 in x 6 in trench directly against the foundation. Refill each 10 ft section of trench with soil that’s been sprayed or treated with 1 gallon of mixed solution. Please view our Termite Treatment Guide that provides more information on a successful Subterranean Termite Treatment.  If treating landscapes pests, lawns, fence posts or decks – please refer to the product label for mix rates and application instructions. 

Answer last updated on: 09/06/2021

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