Per the label, the Inzecto Mosquito Trap lasts 90 days and 1000 rinses. You would need to replace with a new trap after that time.
The Inzecto Mosquito Trap has insecticide coated on the inside of the trap. While it does not attract bee, it may kill bees that enter the trap.
The Inzecto Mosquito Trap uses two modes of action to kill Aedes species mosquitoes and their larvae. lt offers 90 day control and covers 3,000 sq ft. It is recommended to use 2 per 1/4 acre. Also, our mosquito control kits and the products within them will control any mosquito species that lands on a treated surface. Please take a few moments to review our treatment article here and detailed trap specifications here.
Once empty, Inzecto Mosquito Trap can simply be placed in the trash or recycling.
Per the label, the Inzecto Mosquito Trap lasts 90 days. You would need to replace with a new trap after that time.
The Inzecto Mosquito Trap is pet safe if used as directed on the label. They should be placed in areas out of reach of pets.
However, you may wish to contact Inzecto directly for clarification regarding your question by either calling them at 844-944-2601, emailing them at [email protected] or by visiting their website's contact page here.