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Michael from Texas writes

Is Certainty Herbicide or Solitaire Herbicide better for dallisgrass?

2 questions: 1. Would Solitaire be a better post emergent selective agent for dallisgrass than certainty? I see it also covers nutsedge and crabgrass, both of which I have in my yard (but certainty doesn't look like it covers crabgrass) 2. Certainty calls for mixing MSMA with Certainty but I don't have MSMA available. Does it suppress without MSMA?


Both Solitaire Herbicide and Certainty Herbicide suppress dallisgrass. Both would be an excellent option for you. If you are looking to control crabgrass, Solitaire would be a better option for you. MSMA is not something that is currently available anymore, so it is not necessary to use it. Yes, Certainty Herbicide will suppress dallisweed without the use of MSMA.  

Answer last updated on: 07/27/2015

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