Windy from Cordova writes
I used to get the ferti-Lome pink bag gardeners special and it was powder form. I just picked a bag of the gardeners special up and it is now granule. I prefer the powder. Is this it or do you recommend a product for my garden?
The Ferti-Lome Tomato and Vegetable Food 7-22-8 is a granule per the MSDS. We also carry the Ferti-Lome Gardener’s Special 11-15-11 which also states on the MSDS that it is a granule. We just started carrying this line of products so are not familiar enough to recommend the best product for your garden at this time, we recommend that you contact your local cooperative extension office and ask to speak to the master gardener on staff to receive more information.
Answer last updated on: 06/25/2013