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Jarrod from Baton Rouge, La writes

Is it to late to use Negate in March?

South Louisiana, Bermuda really starting to green up but POA Annua really hit hard this year, looking for something I can spot treat with right now.


You can use Negate 37WG on your bermuda lawn to control poa annua (annual bluegrass). You can apply to either dormant grass or when the grass is fully green, but you do not want to apply a post-emergent like this while the grass is in transition, such as during Spring green-up.
Per the new supplemental label, for poa annua, you would use 1.5 oz per Acre. If you are treating an area smaller than 1 Acre, then the manufacturer recommends diluting the entire 1.5 oz bottle in a gallon of water first (not in your sprayer but in a separate container) since there are different sized prills in the concentrate. You would then use 3 oz of your mixed solution in at least 1 gallon of water per 1000 square feet. The remaining initial solution can be stored for 2-4 weeks, just be sure you agitate the solution before mixing and re-applying. You can reapply on your dormant turf after 4 weeks if the target weeds are still present.
Be sure that you use a dedicated sprayer to apply this product or that you clean thoroughly the entire spray equipment before using other products in it. Please refer to the label for complete instructions and make sure this product is labeled for use with your specific grass type.

Answer last updated on: 03/15/2021

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Negate 37WG Herbicide

Negate 37WG Herbicide

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