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Kurt from Hendersonville N.c. writes

Is there an advantage or preferred use of the Maxforce vs the Maxforce Quantum?


Maxforce Quantum Ant Bait is the newest bait formulation from the Maxforce line of products and will remain effective for up to 3 months.  It is effective on most ant species including Argentine Ants, Pharoah Ants, Ghost Ants, Crazy Ants, and Odorous House Ants. It can be used indoors and outdoors.  Its revolutionary carbohydrate bait matrix  ensures it will continue to perform long after it is applied. Carpenter Ants, Fire Ants, and Harvester Ants are not controlled by this bait.
Maxforce Ant Bait Gel is effective against Argentine, Odorous House, Ghost, Pavement, Cornfield, and Little Black Ants. Maxforce Carpenter Ant Bait is speicifically formulated for this species. Without knowing the species of ant or what they are foraging after it will make it difficult to tell you which one would be the best choice for your situation. Please contact us at 866-581-7378 M-F 9-5PM EST. and we will gladly help you select the bait that will fit your needs.

Answer last updated on: 05/02/2015

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Maxforce Quantum Ant Bait

Maxforce Quantum Ant Bait

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