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Lou from Harmony, Pa writes

Is there a pre-emergent to prevent foxtail on perennial rye/Kentucky blue turf?

I need to eradicate foxtail (technically a grass) and broadleaf weeds from my turf with the ability to reseed as soon as possible. I have 2-4-D for the broadleaf weeds. Will you suggest a product that allows me to combine to the 2-4-D and your suggested product for a spring and fall application? I would like something that won't stain driveways/walkways. Spring is here and I would like to spray as soon as the ground warms up enough. Thank you for helping me, I really do appreciate it. Returning customer.


Prodiamine 65 WDG can be used to prevent foxtail but you will have to wait at least 4 months before reseeding, as is the case with all pre-emergents for this weed. Quinkill Max could be tank mixed with 2,4-D as directed on the product label.

Answer last updated on: 03/10/2016

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