Harold from Tulsa, Ok writes
I am still rather new as a service technician with an exterminator service. Today I was told I could use Ultracide or PT Alpine aerosol on hard floors. I chose Ultracide, which spattered on the floors. I kept using my shoes to rub out the spots. Is there someway to prevent this, or is it common for this to happen?
PT Ultracide is excellent for porous flooring such as concrete, however it may stain finished flooring, such as hardwoods. Also, fleas will rarely harbor on sealed hardwood flooring. Hold container upside down 2-3 feet from surface, point actuator towards the surface and push button. Using a sweeping motion, apply a light uniform spray to all surfaces of furniture, rugs, carpets, drapes, and around all pet resting areas. Avoid thoroughly wetting surfaces. Mist treated areas only until "slightly damp". Do not over-treat. Reapply in 14 days, if necessary. IMPORTANT: Only complete and proper application to carpets, upholstery, drapes, and other fabrics will provide thorough flea/tick elimination.
Answer last updated on: 06/21/2017