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Nancy from Okc, Oklahoma writes

Is Vendetta Roach Bait Gel safe around cats? How to I apply the gel?


Vendetta Roach Bait Gel is safe to use in a home with cats and other pets when used as directed on the product label. Vendetta is for use only as a spot or crack and crevice treatment for the indoor control of Cockroaches in residential areas and only in areas inaccessible to children and pets. You should place small dots of bait every 10-12 inches in kitchens and bathrooms directly in cracks and crevices on and under counter tops, in cabinets, cupboards, drawers and food pantries, around dishwashers, refrigerators, sinks, pipes and baseboards. Do not place bait on food prep surfaces or in places that you will frequently touch or in places that are frequently washed. You can also use Vendetta in other rooms in cracks and crevices if you are seeing roach activity in those areas.

Answer last updated on: 10/21/2011

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Vendetta Cockroach Gel Bait

Vendetta Cockroach Gel Bait

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