JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait is pet safe if used as directed on the product label. The risk of secondary poisoning is very minimal. Generally, a gopher would only need to consume a small amount of bait in order to receive a lethal dose, so even if a cat were to eat a dead gopher it is unlikely that the cat would be able to consume enough bait to have a harmful effect. In most cases, well-fed domesticated animals will not actually eat a dead animal such as a gopher that they come across. Instead they will play with it or chew it and then leave it behind.
According to JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait's label, "Do not apply directly to water. Runoff also may be hazardous to aquatic organisms in water adjacent to treated areas. Do not contaminate water when disposing of equipment wash water or rinsate." The product will not leach into the soil or into the well water unless it falls directly into the well. We would recommend to take precautions such as not using the bait within 20 feet of the well, or avoiding use if an active tunnel heads directly towards the well.
No, JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait is only labeled for gophers.
JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait can only be applied in runways.
When using JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait the gophers may die underground or above ground. Per the label instructions, you should check periodically 10-15 days after treatment for any dead gophers that are underground. Please take a moment to look over the label for additional information.
JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait is not labeled for moles. You can use Talpirid bait for moles.
JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait is pet safe if used as directed on the product label. This active ingredient can harm non-target animals if they consume it, so be sure you monitor any pets when they are in the treated area. Because every pet could react differently, if your pet were to eat some of the bait, we recommend you contact your vet.
JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait would remain effective for 2 weeks once buried in the runways. The main runway is located 12-18 inches down from the top of the gopher mound. Typically, domesticated animals would have to consume a large amount of poison to be lethal while gophers only need to consume a small amount to be lethal. In most cases, well-fed domesticated animals will not actually eat a dead animal such as a gopher that they come across. Instead they will play with it or chew it and then leave it behind.
JT Eaton Answer Gopher Bait is only labeled to control pocket gophers. There are no poisons available that are labeled for rabbits. Please click on the link below for more information for rabbit control: Rabbit Control Products