Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be used in a fogger outdoors, nor is it labeled to be used for mosquitoes around homes. You may want to consider using a product like CSI 30-30 Mosquito, Fly & Gnat Control instead.
No, it is not recommended that you mix Martins Permethrin 10% with other insecticides. This could cause the adverse effect.
Martins Permethrin 10% cannot be applied on cats. We do offer flea treatment products for cats.
We have not had any reports of staining or discoloration with Martins Permethrin 10%. You may want to speak with the manufacturer directly. You can reach Control Solutions at 281-892-2500.
The Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be applied to cats of any size. For products labeled to be used on cats please click here.
Martins Permethrin 10% is mixed at 1 1/2 oz. in 1 quart of water, treating 400 linear feet with a 6-inch spray band. Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.
We would recommend using hot soapy water with a mild detergent to remove any unwanted residue after applying Martins Permethrin 10%.
Martins Permethrin is not labeled for use on fruit trees. In cases of infestation the general recommendation is to simply protect the surrounding trees with preventative sprays with a product labeled for such a use. We recommend treating with the Bonide Fruit Tree Spray. You will mix Mix 1 1/2 to 2 1/2 tbs. per gal. of water. Please see the label for complete application instructions.
We apologize but cannot advise on a mix rate for Martins Permethrin 10% or application use off the label instructions. Please contact Control Solutions for further assistance at 281-892-2500.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled for bed bugs. We recommend reviewing our How to Treat for Bed Bugs Treatment Guide for step by step instructions on how to fully treat for bed bugs and their eggs. One product will not fully treat, it takes a combination of products and repeat treatments every 7-10 days. We have Bed Bug Control Kits that offer the products used for eradication.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be applied in cabniets and would only be done around the hole where the pipe comes in under the sink. We have a great video that shows where to spray for perimeter and interior spraying. Please click on the link here to see the video.
No, cats have extreme sensitivity to permethrin products such as Martins Permethrin 10%. You should never use this or similar products on cats unless the product label specifically indicates that the product can be used for this purpose. You can browse our products for cat fleas here.
Per the product label, Martins Permethrin 10% is not to be reapplied for two to three weeks.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be used on alpacas for lice, only on Dairy or Beef Cattle, Horses, Sheep and Goats or swine. Something like Evergreen Pro 60-6 is labeled for lice on livestock and would be a better option.
Martins Permethrin 10% gives a few rates to use when applying to cattle for ticks. Per the product label:
Dilute 8 ozs. in 50 gals. water
Dilute 1 pt in 100 gals. water
Dilute 1 qt. in 200 gals. water
Spray to thoroughly cover entire animal. For lice or mites a second treatment is recommended 14-21 days later. Spray lactating dairy cows only after milking is completed.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled for applications on couches and mattresses. Please provide the targeted pest for alternate recommendations.
Yes, Martins Permethrin 10% is labeled for use on poultry and other animals. Please see the product label for complete application instructions.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not specifically labeled for springtails. We suggest using Bifen IT instead. You can use between .5 and 1 ounce per gallon of water. You should also see our article How to Get Rid of Springtails for more information about the important non-chemical methods of controlling springtail populations.
Martins Permethrin 10% is not labeled to be used on skin. We would recommend speaking with your physician for recomendations on a product they can perscribe that can be used on your skin.
Martins Permethrin 10% does not specifically label uses for tent caterpillars. We recommend that you treat with Natural Guard Caterpillar Killer Spray with Bt previously known as Thuricide Concentrate at 2 oz per 3 gallons of water.