Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is labeled for cankers and safe for use on cherry trees.
We would recommend that you spray Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide and neem oil separately in rotation (probably every 2 weeks) for best results. If you plan to mix the products, then we would test on a few plants first for tolerance since oils can cause extra sensitivity on plants if mixed with other products.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled to treat collar rot on Red Leaf Maple Trees. We would recommend contacting the local cooperative extension office or speaking with a local arborists for treatment recommendations.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled to target Volutella blight only Fire Blight, and Bacterial Blight.
Monterey Garden Phos is a fungicide for listed soil-borne and air-borne pathogens, and it will not treat Armillaria mellea/honey mushroom or other fungi similar to that. Since there are no known treatments for this fungus, it is best to plant trees that are known to be resistant to it. This article has more details.
The mix rate of Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide and type of application will depend on which disease you are targeting. If you do not know which fungus you have, you may reach out to your local cooperative extension office for help with identifying the issue. Once you have that positive identification, please be sure to review the product label for complete application instructions.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled for carnivorous plants, but we would recommend reaching out to the manufacturer to confirm. They can be reached at 559-499-2100.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be used to treat and prevent sudden oak death and many other oak diseases. Here is actually a release from July about this disease being found in Illinois.Typically trees that are infected are not able to be cured but must be diagnosed and removed very carefully so as not to spread the disease. Here is another article about this disease.
The Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is safe to be mixed with a surfactant such as Pentra-Bark and applied to red oaks and other trees. We unfortunately couldn't say how effective it would be on other species of Phytophthora since its not been labeled or tested for them. The application wouldn't harm the tree and usually some form of disease treatment would help. We would recommend potentially partnering with a company local to you to see if there are any other steps they suggest based on the current look and condition of your trees.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be applied as a soil drench to ornamentals at a rate of 1/8 tsp per gallon of water, apply each 25 gallons of solution to an area of 100 sq. ft. and you could also do a foliar spray at a rate of 2 tsp to 4 tsp per gallon of water.
Please review product label for complete application instructions.
Although we have found some conflicting information, the most recommended method and most effective way of preventing Phytophthora root rot disease is to provide good drainage and to practice good water management. Don't over irrigate the soil more than necessary and the beddings are in an area where the soil will tend to stay moist, consider planting trees and shrubs on mounds, especially in an area where you know Phytophthora is present. While Fungicides help, they recommend that you do not rely on fungicide applications alone to control root and crown rot diseases.
Please view this article by the University of California Extension on Phytophthora Root and Crown Rot in the Garden for more information and also, we would recommend contacting your local extension office and speak with the Master Gardener directly for fungicide rotation recommendations that have been studied and tested in your county.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not specifically labeled for petal blight. We do offer other products that will target this blight on azaleas such as: Monterey Fungi-Max Brand Multi-Purpose Fungicide.
We apologize that the Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is no longer available on our site and it does not list applications for dragonfruit trees on the product label. We recommend having the disease identified locally through your cooperative extension office for suggestions on safe products to apply for your needs. Please let us know if we can assist with your future needs!
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is safe to be used along with beneficial nematodes.
Yes, Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be used on hydrangeas. Please review the product label for complete instructions.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be used as a basal bark application or by injection. If you are interested in the injection application you would need to contact an arborist to do so or advise you on how to do so. Times of application vary depending on what application is being done and also when problem is present.
If doing a preventative fungicide treatment for pythium using Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide, you could rotate with Heritigae SC (Class 11) or Propiconozole 14.3 (Class 3) before disease conditions are present.
If Pythium has already is already established and present in the lawn, it is more difficult to control. Subdue MAXX Fungicide would be a better fungicide for active pythium. Re-treat at 7 to 14-day intervals if conditions remain favorable for disease.
There is no waiting period for overeseeding. Make sure you are not mowing the lawn while the turfgrass is wet as this spreads the spores on the mower blades, reduce thatch and improve drainage with core aeration, increase air circulation and reduce the amount of shade which will limit the amount of time of foliar, occasional deep watering of the lawn is better than frequent light watering, do not water at night.
Please view our Pythium Treatment Guide for more information and product recommendations.
Unfortunately, there is no effective treatment once the infection is established; the best course of action is usually to remove the affected tree and prevent further spread by planting resistant varieties in the area, as the fungus is soil-borne and can infect other plants.
While the Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not specifically labeled for Chinese Red Push Pistache trees, it does have labeling to control root rot on a variety of edible and ornamental plants and trees. In the tree section, it states to " Use 2 to 4 tsp. per gallon of water. Apply one gallon of solution per sq. yd. Follow application with irrigation. Application intervals: 14 to 21 days. Repeat as required"Unfortunately, we do not have a definitive answer for you regarding treatment of cacti since they are so different than other plants. We recommend contacting a your local Master Gardener for better assisting in dealing with these plants.
Yes, Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is labeled to treat root rot in Avocado trees. Please follow the instructions on page 2 of the manufacturers label.