Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide should be used within three years from the date of purchase if stored away from extreme temperatures. If mixed, you should use the solution within 24 hours of mixing with water.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be applied as either a foliage spray or soil drench as directed on the product label. You can rotate between fungicides to prevent resistance
Foliar Spray: Apply spray to thoroughly wet all foliage. Application intervals: 14 to 21 days. Repeat as required. 2 to 4 tsp. per gallon of water.
Soil Drench: Apply each 25 gallons of solution to an area of 100 sq. ft. Follow application with irrigation. Repeat as required. Limit of one application per month 1/8 tsp. per gallon of water.
Yes, Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be used on Japanese Maples for the listed diseases as this would fall under an ornamental.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labled for powdery mildew.
You can use Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide to treat Fireblight on crabapple trees. Please be sure to read the product label for application instructions.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is labeled for use on ornamentals including photinia for bacterial blights, downy mildew, and phytophthora and pythium species as listed on the product label. These listed diseases can be treated with a foliar spray, soil drench, soil incorporation, or bare rooted dipping of transplants. Leaf spot on red tip photinia is typically caused by Entomosporium, for which we would recommend using Fung-onil Multi-Purpose Fungicide Concentrate.
This article has great tips on cultural steps needed to control Entomosporium leaf spot on photinia.
Per the manufacturer, Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not buffered. Also, one of the experts at Monterey confirmed that the product does not have to be buffered. One of their owners has actually been dealing with the AG industry in California where a lot of avocados are being grown and has been selling this product for injecting avocados. It is labeled for this use and will do the job.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is labeled for Pine Pitch Canker on ornamental trees caused by Fusarium sublutinans. You would apply Garden Phos as a basal bark spray from the ground level up to 5 feet above the soil line. The manufacturer recommends applying this with PentraBark surfactant. Some canker diseases are not treatable using fungicides. You can read more about beech disease in this article from Penn State Extension. We recommend consulting with an arborist or Master Gardener through your local Extension office if you still need assistance identifying the issue with your tree.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is safe to use on the vegetables and fruits listed on the product label and following any listed pre-harvest interval.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled for Rhizosphaera (needle cast). The most recommended product for needle cast on spruce is the Clearys Spectro.
Since Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be applied as a foliar, soil injection, soil drench, bark basal or bare root drip, the method of application is dependent on what your treating (Citrus, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Bedding Plants, Landscaping, Ornamental, Conifers, Turf)
Please refer to the product label for mix rates and application methods based on what you are treating for root rot.
Unfortunately, typically once the plant is impacted or showing signs of root rot disease, there is no cure or remediation to save the plant. It is recommended to immediately discard infected plants after a positive diagnosis is made and then discard unwanted plants at the end of the season. Disinfect all gardening tools, prep surfaces, as well as gloves and washing your hands when handling soil, clippings or matter from the infested plant to prevent spreading.
Regarding the use of Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide and since it is not labeled for this application treatment, the advised ornamental rate they provided would be the only thing to go by even though it is a broad range of 0.5 fl to 6 fl oz per 1 to 5 gallons. The low rate is most of the time for preventative applications and the higher rate is for high pest pressure.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide can be applied to: Citrus, Fruits, Nuts, Vegetables, Bedding Plants, Landscaping, Ornamental, Conifers, Turf. It does not specifically list your groundcover species on the label, however the dymondia would be considered bedding plants in this case. You may want to test a few plants before treating a larger area.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not specifically labeled for oak leaf blister but is applied to oaks for soil drench applications at the rate of 1/8 tsp. per gallon of water. Apply each 25 gallons of solution to an area of 100 sq. ft. Follow application with irrigation. Repeat as required. Limit of one application per month.
No, Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide is not specifically labeled for pine needle blight.
We would recommend using Honor Guard PPZ Fungicide. It is a general fungicide that is labeled for conifer blights. You will mix 2-4 fl. oz. in 100 gallons of water and apply every 14-21 while the disease is present.
Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled to treat collar rot on Red Leaf Maple Trees. We would recommend contacting the local cooperative extension office or speaking with a local arborists for treatment recommendations.
Monterey Agri-Fos Systemic Fungicide is not labeled to be applied to basil. We do carry a product that can be applied to herbs for controlling downey mildew. It is called Fertilome Triple Action Plus. Please refer to the product label for mixing and application instructions as well as harvest times.
We would recommend that you spray Monterey Garden Phos Systemic Fungicide and neem oil separately in rotation (probably every 2 weeks) for best results. If you plan to mix the products, then we would test on a few plants first for tolerance since oils can cause extra sensitivity on plants if mixed with other products.