Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Norwalk, Ct
    How long can I store Monterey Weed Impede after it has been mixed?
    If I mix a gallon, does it all have to be used at that time to get full effectiveness? Can what isn't used be kept in the container for a week or so and still work?

    Once Monterey Weed Impede has been mixed with water, it must be used or discarded within 24 hours. 

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  • Asked by Daniel from Roanoke, Va
    How does Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide take to dry and become rainproof?

    Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide can be rainfast within 6 hours but is best applied when rain is not expected within 24 hours.  It is bes to water in within 7-10 days after application to get the benefit of pre-emergent control.

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  • Asked by Stat from Murphysboro, Il
    Once you use the Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide and it is dry is it pet friendly?

    Yes, once the application of Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide has completely dried, it is safe for their return.

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  • Asked by Ken from Knightdale, Nc
    Can Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide be applied in an asparagus bed?
    I'm looking for a pre emergent that I can use in asparagus bed before the asparagus begins to grow in the spring.

    Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide should not be used for vegetable garden preparations or in and around fruits and vegetables. You can apply a non-selective post-emergent herbicide such as RoundUp prior to planting  (to kill existing emerging weeds) as it only will stay in the soil up to 1-2 weeks. We do carry a pre-emergent herbicide that can only be applied to established asparagus called Monterey Vegetable & Ornamental Weeder. It is applied to asparagus after ferns are removed but before the spear emergence.

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  • Asked by Shane from Lubbock
    What color is Monterey Weed Impede 2 in 1 Herbicide?
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Displaying 1 to 5 (of 5 questions)