No, Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate does not require the use of a surfactant.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not labeled for roaches or fleas.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not labeled to kill termites.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate should not be used for indoor plants. We recommend consulting with the manufacturer for ways to get rid of the smell. We suggest removing the plants and ventilating the spaces.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not applied as a soil drench only as a spray application as directed on the label.
Yes, Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is safe to use on vegetables to treat squash bugs. Per the product label, dilute 3 oz. of Organocide® Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray per gallon of water.
Organocide 3 - In - 1 Garden Spray Concentrate allows you to harvest the same day of application. Please see the label for full application instructions.
Yes, Organocide 3 - In - 1 Garden Spray Concentrate will control scales as long as you are following the instructions on the product label.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate can be applied once every 7 days, and ideally you will treat when rain is not expected for at least 24 hrs. If the product had time to fully dry prior to the rainfall, you can treat again in a week. If there is a heavy rain before the product has time to dry then it may be necessary to reapply.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate does not offer a specific temperature range or time of year for using the product, but should not be applied to stressed plants or during extreme temperatures since it is an oil based product. For best results, spray in the early morning before temperatures reach 80+ degrees or in the evening time when temperatures cool down. The time it takes the application to completely dry can vary depending on the humidity, temeperatures and how much is sprayed during the application. A single application is normally enough for control.
Please review the product label for more information and application rates.
Organocide Bee Safe 3-In-1 would be safe to be apply to hibiscus. Typically its advised when using any type of oil to avoid spraying directly on the flowers themselves, especially in high heat temperatures, and focus more on the stems and under sides of the plants.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not specifically labeled for weevils. Fertilome Triple Action is labeled to control weevils and may be used on fruits instead. Please be sure to review the product label for complete application instructions.
Organicide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not specifically labeled for leaf curl. Per the product label, "Diseases: Organocide Bee Safe 3-in-1 Garden Spray controls certain fungal diseases such as (but not limited to) Powdery Mildew, Downy Mildew, Black Spot on Roses, Helminthesporium and Greasy Spot on Citrus." For more information on this, you may contact the manufacturer (Organic Laboratories LLC) at 772-286-5581.
Another option would be Bonide Liquid Copper Fungicide Concentrate which is labeled for leaf curl. You may view the product label here.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate does not offer a specific temperature range or time of year for using the product, but it should not be applied to stressed plants or during extreme temperatures. You will apply this when you see target pests or when conditions are favorable for disease development for best results. Once diluted, shake occasionally to prevent separation of Organocide 3 in 1 spray and water. Use a sprayer that will put out a fine spray. If spraying on severely stressed or damaged plants, consider using a lower rate such as 1 oz per gallon to avoid adding additional stress. For best results, spray in the early morning. A single application is normally enough for control.
Organocide 3 - In - 1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not labeled for ant control.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate does not kill Russet Mites. Hi Yield Dusting Sulfur is labeled for Russet Mites.
Organocide 3-In-1 Garden Spray Concentrate is not specifically labeled for Cercospora. However, we do carry Garden Tech Daconil Fungicide, which is.