Pendulum 2G 40# Bag
By Dean on 05/20/2013
Can the rating be less than 5 stars? I got what I asked for, (2) 40# bags of Pendulum 2G shipped clear across this great nation of ours in less than a weeks time FOR FREE! Is that something to complain about??? I didn't think so either. By the way Pendulum is a great product, has been for years. I could go down to my local landscape supplier and buy the exact same thing for $50 more. This way I sit on my porch and watch the UPS guy carry it up to me. I haven't trained him how to spread it yet.
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95 of 114 people found this review helpful
Pendulum 2G 40# Bag
By Dean on 05/20/2013
I make two 50% applications. That is, I spread 50% of the recommended volume over 1 acre in the late fall (Oct / Nov) then in the early spring (Feb / Mar) I spread the other 50% recommended volume (actually I cut back on the second application 10%) it works so well for so cheep I almost felt like the IRS was going to get me for saving my money and still getting a great deal. My confession is, this is my second review. The first one was for "Do My Own PestControl" they do such a great job.
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46 of 49 people found this review helpful
Best stuff for sandburs!
By Karen on 02/22/2015
I have used the liquid form of this chemical before for sandburs and it is phenomenal! The liquid was very messy and stained everything yellow---me, the cement if spilled, and all parts of the sprayer equipment. The granules were much, much easier to apply, had no odor, and did not stain, but the granules are yellow and easy to see. I will have to wait to see if they work as well, but I have no doubts.
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37 of 40 people found this review helpful
We'll see
By David on 05/14/2012
Shipped and received in good order. The herbicide is labeled to help control Poa Anna. I've got a hell of an infestation, both annual and perennial. Put the herbicide down too late in April, might fault, and, not unexpectedly, still have a healthy stand of Poa in the tall fescue that I planted in the spring of 2010. Hope it works to kill the millions of seeds that are being produced by the current infestation and that I'll have a semi-poa-free soil so that I can overseed this fall (used the lower 4-month rate). We'll see. By the way, a setting of about 6 on a Ortho Speedy Green drop spreader will give pretty close to the recommended rates of Pendulum 2G.
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33 of 47 people found this review helpful
well - not quite the results i expected
By Jim on 05/27/2014
service from these folks was great - but, applied this product as soon as the snow melted here in north Jersey (end of March) - at the proper rate - and the crabgrass is as healthy as ever - contacted DMOPC and was advised that a fall application is probably needed as well - and if I wanted something stronger to try Dimension 2EW - I will take their advice and try that this fall - and again in the spring - and see what next year's crop looks like - I will say that Pendulum has eliminated just about every other weed - especially the dandelions
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31 of 33 people found this review helpful
Effect on burweed
By Jerry on 01/11/2021
The label on Pendulum 2G says that this product targets lawn burweed. DoMyOwn staff recommended it. My Clemson extension agent says it doesn't prevent burweed germination. I spread two bags on my lawn October 1, but burweed is already sprouting, Guess my Clemson agent was correct.
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12 of 12 people found this review helpful
Spurge invasion
By Steve on 07/15/2017
Product works great. Manufactorer not so good
By Tom on 03/08/2017
The product worked great. Saved with a coupon and free shipping. Do My Own Pest Control is a good company. I had a question about the product, so I called BASF. Way too long recorded directory. Unable to talk to a person. Was directed to email question. When I emailed question, I received a response of what country do you live in. I answered and never received a reply back. MANUFACTORER POOR CUSTOMER SERVICE.
Expert response:
Thank you for your comments! You can always give us a call if you have questions about a product or have trouble reaching the manufacturer. You can reach us by email, Live Chat, or telephone at 866-581-7378. We can always connect with our representatives, if needed, as well. We appreciate your feedback and your business!
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10 of 13 people found this review helpful
Not anywhere close to as good as Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide
By Lawn on 03/03/2021
Not anywhere close to as good as Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide. I have used Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide (liquid) for almost five years. It's worked great for knocking down clover, broadleaf, and crabgrass. This year DoMyOwn showed the product as "out of stock" so I went with the granular version. Weeds loved it. They're having a weed party on my lawn and it's not even spring. Now I am back to pulling weeds from my lawn. Gonna be a long, ugly summer. Pendulum 3.3 EC Herbicide is labeled as toxic and cancerous, but it works. Pass on Pendulum 2G Granular Herbicide If you want a nice lawn, hire the firm that cares for golf courses.
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8 of 9 people found this review helpful
It's All Good
By Robert on 05/13/2016
Everything about this transaction went just like it was supposed to. The product was shipped promptly. The product was shipped to the "boonies" and it got there just fine and in very good condition. Everything about the transaction was just like you would like for it to go. Good job!!
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6 of 9 people found this review helpful
Pendulum 2G Granular Herbicide
By Janie on 03/02/2018
Annual bluegrass
By Norma on 09/10/2013
Labor Day weekend was the day I attacked my annual bluegrass. I was so happy I I found out about Pendulum 2G. I am planning to do two applications, early Sept and beginning of Nov. I had been watering the lawn because we have not had any rain. Pendulum 2g has to be activated within 30 days and its been about two weeks. Of course I will see the results by spring time and I am very confident that I am finally getting rid of my annual bluegrass, chickweed s, crabgrass and other weeds that I I don't know.
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6 of 7 people found this review helpful
Best pre emergent
By Jason on 09/13/2019
I use the liquid version at work and it works great when its applied twice a year once in the fall and again in early spring. Its by far the best pre emergent on the market. Its a little expensive but you will see results. Just make sure its watered in thoroughly after its put out within 24 hours or your wasting money.
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6 of 7 people found this review helpful
Great Product
By Roger on 09/25/2020
I am a diehard Prodiamine user, but I thought I'd give Pendulum a try. It has worked to perfection. I've had a weedless lawn since spreading it. I'm up for another application later this fall. Thanks for suggesting Pendulum. Also, I really appreciate the quick delivery after the order is in.
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5 of 5 people found this review helpful
Over priced
By Lance on 03/13/2020
By Thecrawfords on 03/25/2022
Absolutely works as a pre-emergent on Goatheads (Puncture Vine). Use early spring and a second application in summer and you won't have new goathead vines coming up. Will use for years until I think we're past the seed viability. Highly recommend for Goathead problems. Use any spreader for these granules.
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Pre-emergent comparisons
By Milam on 08/21/2020
Much better than the homeowner pre-emergent preen. I had to use this over the top of grey Al Junior Pers of very large bed that weeds were coming upAnd one particular prolific plant was mulberry weed very difficult to control on the last two visits now it has gone to 1/3 the amount it was as long as I don't let it go to seed
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2 of 2 people found this review helpful
Pendulum 2G
By Anonymous on 09/02/2013
Very prompt shipping, I can not comment on the product as this is the first time I have used it, and since it is a pre-emergent, I will not know untill spring how well it worked. I am using it for an infestation of Corn Speedwell in my lawn. I well try to update next spring.
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2 of 14 people found this review helpful
Amazing sto
By John on 04/19/2024
Good product, great service
By Tim on 03/15/2024
More weeds
By Karen on 11/05/2022
When I put the Pendulum down it was a fall preventative. A couple of weeks later, i have dandelions coming up which i have NEVER had before. Actually had minimal to no weeds overall and now this. Please tell me Do My Own. Do you offer ANY pre-emergents that actually work or do i need to lay down twice as much as the recommended dose?
Expert response:
Thank you for taking the time to review this product. We are sorry to hear that you are not happy with the results, however please keep in mind that this product is a pre-emergent which is only effective at targeting weed seedlings that have not yet begun to germinate and will not kill actively growing weeds. Weeds like dandelion are more of warm season weeds, which means that they had most likely already begun to grow under the soil surface before you applied the product and they continued to grow and emerge in your lawn. The application you made will be effective at preventing winter weeds that had not yet begun to germinate at the time you applied the product. You can make another pre-emergent application in the early Spring as the temperature starts rising but before the soil temperatures get to 55 degrees, which is when the early weeds like crabgrass begin to germinate. We suggest that you take some time to refer to our lawn care guides linked below for more details on timings for pre-emergents and for a more in-depth explanation on caring for your lawn and weed prevention as well as weed control. Just let us know if we can be of any further assistance. We appreciate your business!!
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Pendulum 2 Granular Herbicide
By Allensteinskibaum on 09/22/2023
Give 5 stars under assumption that it will work. Easy to apply but oddly, I couldn't really find the right setting on my Sta-Green spreader equating 2lbs/1000sqfr. Users beware - only add 1/2 during initial application then the other 1/2 in 5 weeks. I'll have to wait until next year to see if this actually worked.
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1 of 1 people found this review helpful
Good value
By Charles on 02/26/2021
pendulum 2G
By Dr. on 08/28/2020
Waiting to see
By Paul on 02/09/2018
By Smith on 02/23/2017
Waiting for spring rains to come to use
By Lisa on 03/29/2016
Exactly what I needed
By Mark on 04/06/2024
By Jeff on 04/19/2024
To Weed or Not To Weed, That Is the question.
By Drew on 08/30/2024