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Christopher from Pomona Ny writes

Placed 4 Mini T-Rex Mouse Traps in areas along the top of the concrete foundation inside my garage and baited the 4 traps with peanut butter. Now, 2 months later, peanut butter is gone and traps were still wide open. Are these traps not sensitive enough or do you have any suggestions? I have seen night video of mice managing to eat bait from snaptraps without setting the trap off.


When using Snap Traps for rodent control, it can take some adjustments to get the best results as rodents are neophobic and have terrible eyesite, they navigate by sense of touch and sense of smell typically along the same runways. When a new object (snaptrap/glueboard) has been placed in their path, they can and most likely will avoid it since they cannot see it. Once they are used to the object being in the runway, they will become more comfortable and curious to the station. While Peanut Butter is commonly used to lure rodents, most manufacturers DO NOT recommend this as the oil from the food can damage the trap. We do have Rodent Lure Gel Bait that can be used.  Snap traps should be placed where you see the most signs of rodent activity. Placing snap traps at a right angle with the mouth of the trap against the wall or place a pair of traps parallel to the wall, with the triggers positioned to intercept rodents traveling from either direction. Please view our How to Place Rodent Snap Traps Video for a demonstration.  Here are some helpful articles on Snap Traps and Baiting for Rodents:
 Snap Traps 101 Guide 
How to Properly Bait for Rodents Article
Myths about Rodents Article 


Answer last updated on: 10/15/2022

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Mini T-Rex Mouse Trap

Mini T-Rex Mouse Trap

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