Poa Constrictor Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 17 (of 17 questions)
  • Asked by Greg from Alvaton, Ky
    I sprayed Poa Constrictor when can I water my lawn?

    After applying Poa Constrictor Herbicide we do recommend waiting at least 24 hours before watering or irrigation for best results.

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  • Asked by Dave from Yardville, Nj
    Does Poa Constrictor Herbicide require a surfactant?

    The Poa Constrictor product label does not state that a surfactant/crop oil/adjuvant is needed so you would not need to add anything. 

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  • Asked by Matt from Va
    Can Poa constrictor be applied at the same time of seeding Kentucky Bluegrass?

    Poa Constrictor Herbicide per product label can be applied at same time as Tall Fescue overseeding. 

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  • Asked by Garrett from Stanfield, Nc
    Annual Rate of Poa Constrictor Herbicide
    What is the annual rate (oz) for this product? Will be used for TTTF.

    Poa Constrictor Herbicide does not give a max annual rate on the product label, it only lists that you can apply 2-3 times at 21-28 day intervals.  The rate to use is 24-48 oz per acre or ¾ – 1/12 flo oz per 1000 sqft.  The specific instructions for Turf Type Tall Fescue are as follows: Make applications in the fall.  If overseeding with TTTF, application may be done at the same time as seeding.  

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  • Asked by Matt from Va
    Can you tank mix Poa Constrictor with Tenacity for better Poa Annua control?

    Tenacity is only labeled to suppress poa annua when applied as a pre-emergent application.  It would not be tank mixed with Poa Constrictor Herbicide as a post emergent application for control of it.

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  • Asked by Barry from Hillsborough Nc
    How long does it usually take to see results after an application of Poa Constrictor Herbicide ?
    Sprayed product on poa annua in last week of March.

    A second application of Poa Constrictor Herbicide can be applied 21-28 days following your initial applications.  Results will vary depending on application, temperature, turf stress etc. 

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  • Asked by Mark from High Point, Nc
    How much Poa Constrictor Herbicide is needed for 8000 sqft?

    How much Poa Constrictor Herbicide is needed depends on the turf type you are applying to.  You use any where from 9/16 fl oz to 2 ¼ fl oz per 1000 sqft per the product label.

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  • Asked by Steve from Roswell
    Can Poa Constrictor Herbicide be applied both in the fall (2 applications) and the following spring?

    According to the manufacturer's product label, control of annual bluegrass is best achieved by making two applications of Poa Constrictor Herbicide; one in the Fall followed by one in the Spring.

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  • Asked by Mark from Nc
    How soon after applying Poa Constrictor can I mow my tall fescue grass?

    Per the product label for Poa Constrictor Herbicide: Make applications to TTTF in the fall and if overseeding you may apply at the same time as seeding.

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  • Asked by Bryan
    How long will Poa Constrictor Herbicide last on the shelf?

    Poa Constrictor Herbicide should be stored in a cool, dry place and has a three year shelf life from date of purchase.

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  • Asked by Doug from Virginia Beach , Look
    Can Poa Constrictor Herbicide be tank mixed with a 3 Way Herbicide?

    When mixing Poa Constrictor Herbicide with something like the 3 Way Max Herbicide or any other herbicide, you will need to do a jar test to make sure they stay in suspension with each other.

    Please refer to the individual product labels for Tank Mixing or Compatibility Test information. 

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  • Asked by Michael from Manchester
    I am using Poa Constrictor Herbicide to try to kill Poa Annua in my lawn. What amount do I use for treatment 1 oz per gallon?

    How much Poa Constrictor Herbicide is needed depends on the turf type you are applying to.  You use any where from 9/16 fl oz to 2 ¼ fl oz.  Please refer to the product label for complete instructions.

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  • Asked by Nick from Ridgefield, Wa
    How long should I wait to use Poa Constrictor Herbicide after aerating and spreading granular fertilizer?

    There is no wait time to apply Poa Constrictor Herbicide after aerating and fertiizing.

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  • Asked by Garland from Pfafftown
    Can you apply Poa Constrictor Herbicide to tall fescue in the spring as a post emergent?

    Yes, Poa Constrictor Herbicide is labeled for tall fescue when used as directed on the label.

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  • Asked by Luis from Kernersville Nc
    Can Poa Constrictor Herbicide be used in the spring to treat for poa annua (annual bluegrass) in a Turf Type Tall Fescue lawn? Can I overseed at the same time as applying Poa Constrictor Herbicide?

    Poa annua germinates primarily in the fall, and turf type Tall Fescue is also typically overseeded in the fall rather than spring, because this is when the seed takes best in the year. That is likely why the Poa Constrictor label states only fall instructions in the seeding and timing rate table on the Product Label. In general, if its safe to be used in the fall, you should be able to do the same in the spring, its just not the normal season, and you would only get spotty poa annua prevention since the majority of the cycle occurred this past fall/winter. 

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  • Asked by Phil from Portland, Or
    Can you spray flower beds with Poa Constrictor Herbicide also?

    No, Poa Constrictor Herbicide is only labeled to be applied on your lawn.

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  • Asked by Bruce from Brooksville, Florida
    Can Poa Constrictor be used on Floratam variety of St. Augustine grass?
    The label says for use on St Augustine grass but does not list the varieties that are approved.

    Floratam is not listed on the Poa Constrictor label as having been tested for tolerance (only Raleigh St. Augustine is specified). Since Floratam is notoriously sensitive, and the product label does specify that the herbicide may cause discoloration on St. Augustine turfgrass, we recommend testing an inconspicuous area for tolerance before treating the entire lawn.

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Displaying 1 to 17 (of 17 questions)