Customer Reviews for Prime Source Meso 4SC Select Herbicide

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(34 customer reviews)
Prime Source Meso 4SC Select Herbicide
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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Worked just like Tenacity, and I've used both

    By Bill on 09/13/2019

    I used genuine Tenacity 2 years ago and I got the same great results with this product. Here are a few tips: My target weeds were bentgrass and green kyllinga in a tall fescue lawn in New Jersey. Meso was applied by a 15 gallon tow behind Fimco sprayer. The first application was the last week of August and this was broadcast over the whole lawn because the weeds were so widespread. The 2nd application was 2 weeks later, and this was spot sprayed because now I could see where the weeds were. A 2nd application is necessary for bentgrass. Both applications were 3 days after a mow, and I bagged my clippings so the product would not be wasted on detached foliage. I didn't mow again for 4 days after the applications, to give it time to be absorbed. In total, I used 5 ounces of Meso and 15 ounces of Surfactant (1:3 ratio product to surfactant) in 30 gallons of water over .75 acres on the first application. The 2nd application was in 5 gallons of water, same dilution rate. You can count on your lawn will looking bad for a few weeks but this is a fall renovation and I know it will look good in a few more weeks. It's not as expensive as it sounds because it is highly concentrated, but make sure it's diluted in enough water to get coverage. When you consider how much grass seed you would need to repair desired grass in the areas you'd kill with glyphosate, and you'll see the value. This product really did kill my targeted weeds. Hope this helps. Here are a few pictures if allowed:

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    70 of 72 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Same Results as Tenacity

    By Jay on 09/06/2019

    I have used Tenacity in the past and was hesitant to try the generic. It looks and performs the same.

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    42 of 42 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Marvelously

    By Laura on 09/06/2019

    I used a surfactant, blue dye, and this generic tenacity on my post-emergent crabgrass, clover, nutsedge, dandelions, creeping charlie, and other random weeds. Within 2 weeks the weeds were white and curled up and the clover was curling and disappearing. It works so much faster and better than the residential dry stuff I was using before. I plan to buy as a part of my program for maintaining my lawn.

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    41 of 41 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Fantastic Results

    By Jeff on 09/13/2019

    Results shown on poa Annua in 7 days. Be careful not to overspray

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    11 of 12 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Dont waste your money on round up, buy meso 4sc

    By Dan on 04/26/2020

    Everybody hates wasting money and seeing as the generic version of tenacity (meso 4sc) is still expensive, well it made me hesitant to buy it. I read good reviews amongst a few not so happy folks but decided to give it a go anyhow. I figured the past 6-7 years i wasted WAY more on spectracide and round up weed killer with next to Zero results. It was almost as if my weeds became immune to it. I then tried to recall how many countless hours i spent pulling weeds that inevitably came right back. I had nothing to lose at this point except more money. $60 for meso and roughly another $25 for a blue dye and a surfactant. Last fall i did my entire lawn (post emergence) and it knocked alot of my crabgrass out, some clover, and almost all of this sort of crazy vine like weed. It took about 3 weeks for the results to show. Less sunlight and heat seemed to delay the results. It needed a 2nd application but i slacked when the weather got cold here in missouri. Beginning of april i did a (post emergence) spot application and after about 2 weeks i have more crabgrass and clover turning white again. Im not paid for my review, i just give credit when a product actually works and this one does. I have a fescue mix on my lawn and this product left it intact, even my new grass seed! Take my years of struggles as your benefit and learning curve. Man up and buy it and thank me later.

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    10 of 10 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great product! Time is your friend.

    By Erik on 09/13/2019

    I applied this product as directed to my lawn about two weeks before I aerated and over seeded for the fall. After the first week I saw some whitening of the broadleaf across my yard. Take not, this is not a fast acting overbite product! After the second week it became more pronounced. I aerated and over seeded. After the third week, I had a beautiful bunch of patchy areas of white dying broadleaf with tiny new grass spurts starting to germinate. So far this product worked as advertised and I am very happy. Additionally the price was $30 less than name brand Tenacity!

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good stuff

    By Stevo on 10/07/2019

    I used Dawn dish soap at 1 oz per 4 gal's. as the surfactant with the directed amount of Meso in my 25 gal sprayer. It works great. I applied it a second time 2 weeks after the first. Watering it in some does make a difference in speed of kill. My second appl. went all most 2 weeks before any rain hit it. Then it really kicked in on the spots I missed the first time. Everything was green in mine and surrounding lawns. I used it and most of my lawn was brown/dead Killed all the bent, crab, dallas, dandi's and other undesirable things. Fall rains have rejuvenated the grass. Lawn is green again minus weeds.

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    8 of 8 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Kills the Crabgrass

    By Randy on 09/06/2019

    Received quickly. Works as expected to kill the crabgrass that took over my yard. Sprayed as directed with a 1 gallon sprayer(used 2-3 tanks to complete entire yard). I mainly just sprayed on the crabgrass with a blueing agent and surfactant. In about 8-10 days, the crabgrass turned white. I plan to reseed with fescue soon.

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    5 of 5 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Great Product

    By Bryant on 09/06/2019

    I wanted to take my 'good' lawn to the next level, you don't realize how many weeds and non desirable grasses are in a nice looking lawn until they all turn white! This product is fantastic, killing a wide variety of weeds and leaving my bluegrass & perennial rye alone!

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    4 of 4 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Great on Bent Grass!!

    By John on 09/13/2019

    I had two small areas (4'x6') of bent grass invading my Kentucky blue grass lawn. Following the instructions and using a surfactant, I applied two applications of this product and the Bent Grass was killed in three weeks while not harming the surrounding grass. It has not been long enough to know if the Bent Grass will return but I am very hopeful.

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very impressive

    By Steve on 10/04/2019

    I tried this after a few video recommendations to use Tenacity. I was amazed at how effective this was on weeds in my yard. I have tried several brands from the big box stores with poor results. This does take a little work to mix up and add a sufactant but well worth it and should last a while as you use so little.

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    3 of 3 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Kyle on 10/29/2019

    So far I have just used this product for spot post emergent but seems to work great. Cant wait for spring for a full yard application.

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    2 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Meso 4SC

    By Leonard on 04/17/2020

    This is an excellent product that I began using last season. Effective and versatile since it works as both a pre and post emergent. Also has the additional benefit of allowing use while seeding. Do My Own has become a go-to source for me. Very competitive prices, free shipping, and fast order processing and delivery. Highly recommend.

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    2 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    This is GRReat for killing off Nimble-will

    By Mike on 07/25/2020

    took a while to find out what this weedy grass actually was called, but our yard was had a lot of it when we moved in. finally found this from DoMyOwn, and with only a fraction of an ounce per gallon, and one application, it is getting rid of it quickly! selectively kills the Nimblewill but doesn't hurt the regular turf grasses.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works great on creeping bentgrass and many other weeds

    By Dan on 08/18/2020

    I used it in combination with a surfactant to address creeping bentgrass which has been extremely invasive in my lawn over the past two summers in the Chicagoland area. Two weeks after treatment the creeping bentgrass as well as many other weeds including creeping charlie are dying. I made a second application at the two week mark and fully expect it will complete the kill.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Good Deal

    By Darold on 08/28/2020

    Have been using some Tenacity, this is a good savings for same chemical.

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    1 of 1 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works as Described

    By Dan on 09/11/2020

    I was a little cautious as there are so many products and claims but this one works as described. After application crabgrass turned white and dead in a week. The amount of herbicide used is minimal which made me follow all safety precautions to the T. ( about a teaspoon per gallon). I am very pleased with the result. Also used the turf marker and spreader sticker product which are must-haves for ease of application and success.

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    1 of 2 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Arrived promptly

    By Zepp on 05/29/2020

    Arrived promptly. I applied it to my lawn -- which was more than half creeping charlie and other broad leaf weeds, and crabgrass, which is gradually turning as white as my head of hair. Seems a slow process, but that's the way it's supposed to work. I will CERTAINLY order from again.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Generic Tenacity Herbicide

    By Louis on 08/14/2020

    Great product. Worked as advertised. A bit expensive but worth it. Plan on re-seeding of bear spots from excessive weed spots. creates a barrier against re-emerging weeds. Can be used with other products and re-seeding.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Best overall herbicide

    By Robert on 04/16/2021

    Great on centipede! Tenacity works better for everything except nutsedge. If crabgrass is too big it won't kill it. It will kill crabgrass if it's used as a pre-emergent.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Regina on 09/28/2021

    I used Meso 4sc 2 years ago on that ugly bent grass. It did a great job getting rid of it AND some weeds. Yes...your yard will not be unattractive for late fall but the reward will be in spring. Now this fall I noticed some new bent grass. I sprayed it again. All weeds find a way to come back. I will reccomend this product. It does work!

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