The Anderson's Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide

The Anderson\'s Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide
$57.39  $63.77  Save 10%!

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Product Overview

The Anderson’s Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide is a selective pre-emergent herbicide for crabgrass that powerfully controls undesirable weeds on established turfgrasses. This granular fertlizer combines two effective pre-emergent active ingredients to ensure prevention against unwanted weeds. This product controls grass weeds such as goosegrass, barnyard grass, annual bluegrass, hairy and smooth crabgrass, and yellow and green foxtail. It partially controls spotted spurge, creeping woodsorrel, prostrate spurge, yellow woodsorrel, and creeping spurge. Inhibits the growth of susceptible annual weeds by targeting and killing seeds during germination. It is safe to use since it does not harm established shrubs and ornamental trees near the area being treated. For best results, it is highly suggested to apply the product prior to weed germination. Available in a 40-lb. bag. 

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Benefin - 1.33% Trifluralin - 0.67%
Target pests Annual bluegrass, smooth and hairy crabgrass, goosegrass, barnyard grass, and green and yellow foxtail. Partial control of prostrate spurge, spotted spurge, creeping spurge, creeping woodsorrel, and yellow woodsorrel.
For use in Established turfgrasses.
Application Apply using a drop or rotary-type spreader designed to apply granular herbicides or insecticides. Calibrate application equipment prior to use according to the manufacturer's directions.
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label.
Formulation Dispersible granule formula.
Special Features Provides partial control of prostrate spurge, spotted spurge, creeping spurge, creeping woodsorrel, and yellow woodsorrel.
Shipping Weight 40.00 lbs
Manufacturer The Andersons (Mfg. Number: ANHDGT241)
UPC 031865308628
EPA Registration 10163-340-9198



It is a violation of Federal law to use this product in a manner inconsistent with its labeling. Read all Directions for Use carefully before applying.

Application Restrictions: Do not apply this product in a way that will contact workers or other persons, either directly or through drift. Only protected handlers may be in the area during application. This product must be watered in as soon as possible after application.

Entry Restrictions: Do not enter or allow other people (or pets) to enter the treated area until dusts have settled. Except for personnel involved in the watering-in, do not enter or allow other people or pets to enter the treated area until the watering-in is complete and the surface is dry.

Not for use on turf being grown for sale or other commercial use as sod, or for commercial seed production, or for research purposes.

General Use Precautions and Restrictions

  •  Do not apply this product to the golf course putting greens.
  •  Do not apply to dichondra.
  • Do not apply to newly sprigged areas of Bermudagrass, St. Augustinegrass, centipedegrass, or zoysiagrass until turf is well established.
  • Any cultural practices that disturb the soil, such as aerification or Verticutting, should be done prior to application of this product.
  • Do not make more than 2 applications of this product per year.
  • Do not apply this product in the spring to turfgrass planted the previous fall.
  • This product may thin established annual bluegrass (Poa annua) turfgrass and fine-leafed fescues at rates above 100 lb per acre (2 lb active ingredient).
  •  In Bermudagrass areas that have been overseeded with winter grasses, a spring application of this product may thin the overseeded grasses.
  • Do not aerially apply this product.
  • Maximum Single Application Rate: Cool season turfgrass - 120 lb of this product per acre; warm season turfgrass - 150 lb of this product per acre.
  • Maximum Yearly Rate: Cool season turfgrass - 240 lb of this product per acre; warm season turfgrass - 300 lb of this product per acre.
  • Minimum Re-Treatment Interval: Cool season turfgrass - 56 to 70 days; warm-season turfgrass - 70 to 84 days.
  • This product must be watered in as soon as possible after application.


Do not reseed treated areas for at least 8 weeks after a single application of 75 to 100 lb of product (1.5 to 2 lb active ingredient) per acre unless injury can be tolerated, or 12 to 16 weeks after a single application of 100 to 150 lb of product (2 to 3 lb active ingredient) per acre unless injury can be tolerated. When reseeding, follow proper cultural practices such as soil cultivation, irrigation, and fertilization. For satisfactory reseeding results after using this product, increase the amount of seed used and use equipment designed to place seed in contact with the soil (such as the Rogers Aero Seeder).

Application Directions

Apply this product using a drop or rotary-type spreader designed to apply granular herbicides or insecticides. Calibrate application equipment prior to use according to the manufacturer’s directions. Check frequently to be sure equipment is working properly and distributing granules uniformly. Do not use spreaders that apply the material in narrow concentrated bands. Avoid skips or overlaps as poor weed control or turfgrass injury may occur. A more uniform application may be achieved by spreading half of the required amount of product over the area and then applying the remaining half in swaths at right angles to the first.

Application Techniques for Applying this Product

  • When using a drop-type spreader, a splashboard mounted under the hopper will provide more even granule distribution. 
  • A chain fastened to the side of the spreader and allowed to drag on the surface can be used to mark the edge of the treated swath and help prevent skips or overlaps.
  • For treated smaller areas, a small rotary applicator is recommended. To ensure proper coverage and avoid missed areas, early morning treatment when wheel tracks are evident in the dew and the wind is calm is recommended.
  • When using tractor mounted or pull-type rotary applicators, early morning applications when the wind is calm and dew is on the ground is recommended. Wheel tracks are evident in the dew and granules can be spread uniformly.

Rates, Frequency, and Timing of Application

  • 75 (lb/acre) - 1 3/4 (lb/1000 sq ft) 
  • 100 (lb/acre) - 2 1/4 (lb/1000 sq ft) 
  • 150 (lb/acre) - 3 1/2 (lb/1000 sq ft) 

Successful preemergence control of the annual grass weeds listed on this label requires proper timing of application. Apply this product approximately 1 to 2 weeks prior to the germination of annual grass weeds. If application timing does not coincide with the normal germination period of any of the annual grass weeds listed on this label, weed control results may be erratic or poor.

Spring Germinating Summer Grasses (Crabgrass, Goosegrasses, Foxtails, Barnyardgrass)

  • Northern Cool Season Turfgrass: For preemergence control, apply 75 to 120 lb of this product per acre. Apply in the spring, 1 to 2 weeks prior to the onset of conditions favorable for annual grass weed seed germination. Where heavy goosegrass pressure exists, use the rate of 120 lb of this product per acre. If split applications are desired, apply a cumulative rate of 240 lb of this product per acre and make the second application 8 to 10 weeks after the first.
  • Southern Warm Season Turfgrass: For preemergence control apply 100 to 150 lb of this product per acre. Apply in the late winter or early spring, 1 to 2 weeks prior to the onset of conditions favorable for annual grass weed seed germination. In areas where germination of the annual weed grass species continues for extended periods of time, make a second application of this product at the recommended rate 10 to 12 weeks after the first application for continued control. 

Poa annua (Annual Bluegrass) 

Eliminating annual bluegrass in areas of heavy infestation will temporarily result in thin turfgrass areas. Proper fertilization, irrigation, and soil incorporated reseeding will encourage existing desirable turfgrass and newly planted seedling turfgrass to fill in thin areas previously occupied by annual bluegrass.

  • Northern Cool Season Turfgrass: For preemergence control, apply 75 to 100 lb of this product per acre in late summer or early fall and again in late winter or spring, 1 to 2 weeks prior to the expected germination of annual bluegrass.
  • Southern Warm Season Turfgrass: For preemergence control apply 150 lb of this product per acre in the late summer or early fall, 1 to 2 weeks prior to the expected germination of annual bluegrass. In southern areas where germination of annual bluegrass continues for extended periods of time, the second application of this product at 150 lb per acre can be made 10 to 12 weeks after the initial treatment.

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Is Andersons Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide also a fertilizer and if so when should it be applied?

Can it be applied in the fall?


Andersons Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide is an herbicide only and does not contain any fertilizer.  It can be applied in the fall or spring.

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Can you use Andersons Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide on golf course hybrid Bermuda grass greens??!

Andersons Crabgrass Preventer with 2% Team Herbicide is safe to be use on turfgrasses listed on the label.  Due to the sensitivity of greens, we do not give any advice on what can be used on them. We apologize for this inconvenience. 

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