Yes, the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station is designed with a lock and key to become tamper resistant from children and pets. One key is provided with every order.
Yes, it is possible for a squirrel to gain access in the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station.
The dimensions of Protecta EVO Express station are 10.5" L x 12" W x 6.5" H
Fastrac Blox is a great option for use outdoors inside of bait stations. Be sure to use it inside of these bait stations so that no non-target animals come in contact with it. There is no antidote associated with this rodenticide, so be very mindful of that. Generally though, if your pet consumed dead rats after they consumed this product, there is such a small amount of the active ingredient in each bite that your pet will have to eat their body weight in rats to be affected.
Yes, when used as directed the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station is pet safe as the bait station is tamper-resistant. It is possible for your pet to encounter a dead rodent as there is no sure way to know where they will die after consuming bait. However, a rodent only consumes a very small amount of bait at a time and passes it very quickly only keeping a smaller amount in their liver until they succumb to the effects of the bait. A cat would have to consume multiple entire rodents in order to ingest enough poison to have effects. In most cases, well-fed domesticated animals will not actually eat a mouse or a rat that they come across. Instead they will play with it, chew it and then leave it behind.
It is possible that the rats are not attracted to the bait you are using because there is another food source available to them. We would recommend removing any type of food items (pet food possibly) and/or moving trash to another area. If there are other food sources around, they will continue to go to those sources and avoid the rodenticide. Be sure you’re not handling the blocks or the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station with your bare hands, leaving behind your scent on these items will deter rodents from entering the stations and feeding on the bait. Ensure you have fresh bait readily available for the rodents. If baits become stale, moldy, wet, etc, it will no longer be attractive to the rodents. Lastly, rodents, rats especially, are very hesitant to check out new objects in their areas. You should bait the stations and leave them alone for a couple of weeks to allow the rodents to become used to it being there, and eventually they will become curious enough to begin to check it out.
It is recommended that you use 4-6 Protecta EVO Express Bait Stations around the structure. Place one station at each corner of the structure and if needed, one by the front entrance and one near the rear entrance.
In the beginning of baiting, you want to check the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station once a week. After the population starts to diminish, you can stretch that out to 30 days and the bait blox can sometimes last without molding up to 3 months.
Yes, you could also use the Victor Snap traps in Protecta EVO Express Bait Station.
We carry several types of bait here that would work with the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station
The Protecta EVO Express Bait Station has holes large enough for rats, mice, squirrels and chipmunks to enter and exit. There is no bait or traps included with the station (they are sold separately). We do offer products for chipmunk control.
Yes, the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station and most other similar stations are designed to be used outdoors and to protect the bait inside from rainfall. If a lot of water got into the stations, then you could open them up and remove the concrete brick to allow it to dry out, if needed. The brick in the station does keep the bait elevated off the ground to keep it dry.
Protecta EVO Express Bait Station has a slot that service cards can be placed in, generally for professionals to note what was placed in the station and when for their records.
We do offer a key for the Protecta EVO Express Bait Station. Bait can be found here. You may place the order online at or contact us to process the order at 866-581-7378 M-F, 9-5 PM EST.
Yes, Protecta EVO Express Bait Stations can be reused.
The Protecta EVO Express Bait Station has a slot inside where you can place the service card.