Joe from Sandown Nh writes
I live in NH. what is the best product and why to apply it around my property. I have wetlands on two sides of my yard. Thanks
Talstar P is one of the most popular mosquito control products on the market. Talstar P will last for about one month outdoors for mosquito control, is gentle on the plants that must be sprayed, has no odor, is water based so it doesn't stain and is very safe to use around children and pets when used as directed on the product label. You will need about 1 oz of product for every 1,000 sq ft of space you need to treat. The key is to apply it to all shrubs, trees, and other foliage around the house or patio where you are trying to provide relief. It should be directed not only on top of the leaves and plants, but on the underside of the leaves as well which is where the mosquitoes hang out. Talstar should be applied every 30 days for optimum control. Care must be taken not to get Talstar into any body of water as it is known to be toxic to aquatic life. If you feel that keeping it out of the water may be too difficult we also carry Essentria IC3 which is labeled for mosquito control and is non-toxic to aquatic life.
Answer last updated on: 04/26/2012