We do not advise using Sevin Concentrate indoors as the product is not labeled for that use. We sell many products that can be used indoors. Please feel free to contact our Customer Service staff at 866-581-7378 M-F 9a-5p EST for advice with your specific situation.
We would not advise using Sevin Concentrate to treat for bed bugs as it is not labeled for that use or for any use indoors. We suggest looking at our How to Get Rid of Bed Bugs Guide to provide information on what itmes to use and application instructions for a bed bug treatment.
Sevin Concentrate can be applied around landscaped areas and flowers. We recommend that you test a small area first and do not treat in the heat of the day to avoid burn/injury.
Sevin Concentrate is safe for pets once the product has completely dried.
Yes, Sevin Concentrate is labeled for springtails. Please take a few moments to review our article How To Get Rid of Springtails.
Unfortunately, Sevin Concentrate is not labeled to be used on basil. Ferti-lome Triple Action would be a better option, applied in early morning before temperatures get too hot.
Yes, you can use Sevin Concentrate as a topical spray on spruce or other ornamentals for sawfly treatment. According to the product label, you should apply 1.5 fl. oz. of product per gallon of water and spray upper and lower leaf surfaces and small trunks, stems and twigs to the point of runoff where pests appear. Repeat applications as necessary up to a total of four times per year for trees and six times per year for ornamental shrubs and flowers, but not more than once every seven days.
We would also recommend using a systemic insecticide in the late Spring or early Summer for these pests, such as Fertilome Tree and Shrub Systemic Insect Drench.
Sevin Concentrate should not be applied near water has it highly toxic to aquatic organisms. We do offer a product called EcoVia EC that would be great to apply to non-edible areas.
Unfortunately Sevin Concentrate is not labeled to be used on basil. Any basil sprayed with it should be discarded and not eaten. Ferti-lome Triple Action would be a better option, applied in early morning before temperatures get too hot.
Sevin Concentrate cannot be used in a fogger. Please check our our Fogging Equipment page for up to date foggers and recommended solutions.
Sevin Concentrate is applied and then repeat applications are done no sooner than 7 days. It is labeled for many insects including grasshoppers.