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The from Atlanta, Georgia writes

Should we be concerned that other plants in the yard may be affected if we have cut down a 25-year-old Chinese Wisteria and painted the stump with Tordon RTU?

We are assuming it has a large root system.


Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide can affect plants in the area where you have treated the stump if the stumps roots are in the same area as desirable plant roots.  Untreated trees/plants can occasionally be affected by root uptake of this herbicide through movement into the the topsoil or by excretion of the product from the roots of nearby treated trees. You should not apply Tordon RTU within the root zone of desirables unless such injury can be tolerated. Tordon RTU also is not labeled for use in residential areas due to its long half-life and this possibility of movement in the soil.

Answer last updated on: 11/24/2019

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Tordon RTU Specialty Herbicide

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