Snapshot DG Herbicide
Snapshot DG Herbicide

Product Features

  • Season long weed control with 1 application
  • Easy to spread dispersible granule
  • Treats over 120 broad-leaf weeds and annual grasses
  • Safe for over-the-top application in over 600 ornamentals

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8 Reviews | 24 Q&A

Product Overview

Snapshot DG herbicide is a selective pre-emergence herbicide for control of certain broadleaf weeds and annual grasses in container and field-grown ornamentals, landscape ornamentals, and a variety of other areas. It is effective on more than 120 broadleaf and grassy weeds. It can be used over the top of more than 600 labeled ornamentals. 

Snapshot works by disrupting weed seed development as seeds germinate; killing seedlings before they can break the soil surface. Snapshot bonds tightly with soil particles and is low in water solubility, to ensure that it stays within the intended application zone.

This DG formulation features a dispersible granule, which delivers the active ingredient into the soil fast to control your toughest weeds. It is easy to spread and has great flowability. Each granule is made up of thousands of sub-particles that break apart with as little as 0.2 inches of moisture.

Apply Snapshot DG with a drop or rotary-type spreader designed specifically to apply granule herbicides and insecticides. Make sure to apply immediately after germination or anytime before cultivation of target weeds. After application, the user should watch the level of weed control over time to determine when any additional applications should be applied. The length of weed control will be determined by the rate at which Snapshot DG is applied as well as temperature, weed population, soil or potting media conditions, watering regime, and temperature. Multiple applications at 150 lbs. per acre and higher should not be made any sooner than 60 days after the initial application of Snapshot DG. Snapshot DG provides up to eight months of control.

Snapshot DG is not labeled for weed control in turfgrasses.

Available formulations:
Snapshot specialty herbicide is available in two easy-to-use granular formulations- Snapshot 2.5 TG Herbicide - 50 lbs. and Snapshot DG. Snapshot DG uses the Andersons patented DG Lite formulation, which features a dispersible granule for improved, uniform coverage.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Trifluralin - 2.0% Isoxaben - 0.5%
Target pests Foxtail, Goosegrass, Barnyardgrass, Bittercress, Common Chickweed, Marestail, Oxalis, Ragweed, Spurge and others
See Label for complete list
For use in Landscape ornamentals, Christmas tree plantations, container grown ornamentals, field grown ornamentals, groundcovers/perennials, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, non-bearing vineyards, non-cropland
* See label for complete list
Application Apply with a drop or rotary spreader (applied early spring, late summer, early fall, or right after cultivation) at a rate of 2.3 to 4.6 lbs. per 1,000 sq. ft.
* See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on Label
Special Features Provides up to eight months of control
Shipping Weight 25.19 lbs
Manufacturer Dow AgroSciences
UPC 00662974691907
EPA Registration 62719-175


Snapshot is a selective pre-emergent herbicide that provides control of listed annual grasses and broadleaf weeds in landscape ornamentals, ground covers, perennials, non-bearing fruit and nut trees, container-grown ornamentals, non-bearing vineyards, field-grown ornamentals and non-cropland.

Weeds controlled, suppressed or prevented: aster, barnyard grass, annual bluegrass, bursage, wild celery, chickweed, clover, crabgrass, cudweed, cupgrass, fiddleneck, filaree, fleabane, foxtail, henbit, horseweed, junglerice, knotweed, lambsquarters, mallow, mustard, nightshade, wild oats, panicum, pepperweed, pigweed, pineappleweed, plantain, purslane, wild radish, ragwood, London rocket, shepherdspures, sibara, smartweed, sowthistle, speedwell purslane, Russian thistle, witchgrass, bittercress, brassbutton, wild carrot, chickweed, dandelion, foxtail, galinsoga, eclipta, groundsel, geranium, ladysthumb, prickly lettuce, lovegrass, marestail, mayweed, morningglory, pennywart, ryegrass, spurge, tansy, woodsorrel, brome, barley, burclover, cheat, datura, dogfennel, fescue goosegrass, jimson weed, knotweed, kochia, turkey mullein, burning nettle, bristle oxtongue, scarlet pimpernel, sandbur, signal grass, stinkgrass, sunflower, swinecress, bindweed, carpetweed, johnson grass, milkweed, and shattercane.

Rates and combinations: 2.3 to 4.6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Snapshot Herbicide

    By Ryan on 06/30/2017

    I heard good things about this product so I decided to spring for it and see how it worked. So far so good - even with hot weather, then cool weather, then rain, etc., Weeds don't really seem to be sprouting up. I plan on keeping on with using it and hopefully it will continue to work well.

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    25 of 25 people found this review helpful

  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Works Great

    By Kenneth on 04/24/2020

    Verified Purchase

    I have been weeding the heck out of my garden for years. I pay my teenagers all the time to help out. Finally bought this before I applied new mulch. This stuff works like a dream. It's been over a month since I have applied and no weeds other than Nut Grass which it's not labeled for. I will admit I am very frugal and don't like parting with my cash but this is a great value. A little goes a long way I have over 200 feet of beds and still have a ton left after treating. Love it!

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  • 5 of 5 Stars


    By Dennis on 02/26/2021

    I live in Mesa AZ (Phoenix) and have desert landscaping. After ANY rain the weeds sprout up like ....weeds. After a chat with one of your employees, I decided on this product to stop the infestation. I am very happy with the results. It didn't harm any wanted plants which was a major concern. No hesitation on recommending this product.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Very effective

    By John on 07/13/2020

    I found this to be very effective but watch the warnings carefully. It does kill grass and some other plants can be stunted as well. Read the label carefully and take your time applying.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    Saves my sanity

    By Jennie on 05/22/2020

    Was so excited to find something that would take care of the maple tree seedlings that get in all of my mulch and rock and start sprouting. Saves me from a lot of work!

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Questions & Answers

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What is the difference between Snapshot 2.5TG and Snapshot DG?

What is the difference between snapshot 2.5TG n snapshot DG other than bag size?Does one last longer force red control than the other?thx.


According to our Rep with Dow Agro, there is not any difference besides the package size and the coloring of the granule. The SnapShot 2.5 TG is a yellow color granule and comes in a 50lb bag. The Snapshot 2.5 DG is a brown color and comes in a 25lb bag. The application and active ingredients are both the same. They make the 2 different types due to some Turf Pros not wanting a yellow granule and prefer the brown granule

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Is there a pre-emergent herbicide for controlling weeds in flower beds and containers?

Just trying to lessen my weed pulling chores. I use mulch but weeds grow very fast in the hot and humid climate of Coastal Texas.


Snapshot DG Herbicide would be an excellent product to use in flower beds and container grown ornamentals. Be sure to check the product label to see if it is safe to use around the plants you have.

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How much square footage does a bag of Snapshot DG cover?

The 25 pound bag of Snapshot DG Herbicide will cover approxiamately ¼ of an acre. 

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Can Snapshot DG Herbicide be mixed with water and applied with pump pressure applicator?

Snapshot DG Herbicide shoudl be applied only with a drop or rotary-type speader designed specifically to apply granule herbicides and insecticides. You cannot apply it as a spray.

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Is Snapshot safe to use in jasmine beds?

Snapshot DG Herbicide is safe to use in/around non edible vegetation including jasmine.

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Snapshot DG Herbicide 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 5 (8 Reviews / 24 Q&A)

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