Specticle G Herbicide

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Specticle G Herbicide

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Product Overview

Specticle G Herbicide is a preemergence, selective alkylazine herbicide to be used on warm season turfgrasses. Specticle G controls weeds by lowering the emergence of seedlings through inhibiting cellulose biosynthesis, known as CB Inhibitor. It will control various annual grasses that includes annual sedges, bluegrass, crabgrass, and goosegrass. It also controls broadleaf weeds in ornamentals (residential), hedgerows, turf, conifers, and Christmas trees. It can only be used on established turf in areas that includes sod farms, sports fields, parks, golf courses and more. If Specticle G is applied to herbaceous tissue such as green stems of susceptible plants or leaves, yellowing or necrosis may be seen. It does not control bulbs, corms, existing rootstocks, tubers or woody vegetation. Specticle G will provide up to six months of control against over 90 grassy and broadleaf weeds and annual sedges. With the lowest use rates, using this product will save time, labor and fuel costs. This will not stain and has low odor. Specticle G will help maintain landscape for the whole growing season.

Features and Specs

Active Ingredient Indaziflam 0.02%
Target pests Broad-spectrum control against more than 90 broadleaf and grassy weeds, plus annual sedges
* See label for complete list
For use in Golf Courses (Roughs and Fairways), Residential and Commercial Lawns, Parks and Cemeteries
Application The maximum single application on turf is 200 lbs. per acre (4.6 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.). Do not exceed 400 lbs. of Specticle G per acre (9.2 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft.) in a 12-month period.
See label for complete application instructions
Pet safe Yes, if used as directed on label
Formulation Professional Product
Group 29 Herbicide
Shipping Weight 51.00 lbs
Manufacturer Envu (Formerly Bayer) (Mfg. Number: BYT80849265)
UPC BYT80849265B
EPA Registration 432-1523



SPECTICLE G is a selective, preemergent alkylazine herbicide. SPECTICLE G provides extended residual control of many annual grasses including crabgrass, goosegrass, and annual bluegrass, as well as annual sedges, and some broadleaf weeds in turf, landscape ornamentals, non-bearing fruit and nut trees in residential plantings, as well as hardscapes.

Use SPECTICLE G on established turf in areas including golf courses (roughs and fairways), residential and commercial lawns, parks, and cemeteries.

SPECTICLE G controls weeds by reducing the emergence of seedlings through inhibition of cellulose biosynthesis (CB Inhibitor). Necrosis or yellowing may be observed if the herbicide is applied to herbaceous tissue such as leaves and green stems of susceptible plants including sensitive ornamentals. SPECTICLE G does not control plants emerging from tubers, rhizomes, bulbs, corms, existing rootstocks, and woody vegetation. SPECTICLE G suppresses the development of some additional hard-to-control weeds.

SPECTICLE G needs to be activated prior to weed germination for most effective control. For maximum activity against germinating weeds, SPECTICLE G requires rainfall or irrigation prior to weed germination.

SPECTICLE G is a very active herbicide that provides effective weed control when applied to the soil around many woody ornamentals grown in-ground. SPECTICLE G may damage sensitive plants, if granules are allowed to remain in contact with foliage.

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    weed less yard...

    By Joe on 12/27/2014

    Best pre-emergent I have ever used. A little expensive but well worth it. ($90.00 at Lescos warehouse) One in a half bags would last one year three applications in a year. In metro Atlanta March 15th, very early May, and mid to the end of September. Than repeat the following year. So long goose grass and all other weeds...

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  • 5 of 5 Stars

    The Best There Is!

    By Jim on 10/25/2014

    Verified Purchase

    Specticle G is the only pre-emergent I have used that effectively prohibits weeds in my TifSport Bermuda. I have tried all the retail products available at the do-it-your-self retailers with poor results. Specticle G is expensive, but I only use a small amount twice a year and I am weed free. My neighbors all pay for expensive and ineffective "lawn service" and their lawns are loaded with weeds. Not mine!

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Questions & Answers

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How many square feet will the Specticle G Herbicide 50 lb bag treat?
The Specticle G Herbicide 50 lb bag coverage rate will vary depending on what you are trying to treat for.  Application rates from 2.3 to 4.6 lbs per 1000 sqft.  Please refer to the product label for complete instructions and rates.

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Will Specticle control Little Barley on Bermuda, Tall Fescue and Buffalograss?

Specticle G Herbicide is a selective preemergent herbicide that is to be used on established warm season turfgrasses such as Buffalo and Bermuda (not Tall Fescue) prior to weed germination. It is labeled for mouse barley but will not kill existing weeds. 

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Is Specticle G Herbicide safe to use on Passpalum (bahiagrass) turf grass?

Specticle G Herbicide is no longer available. However, if you already have this product, the product label indicates that it is safe for use on bahiagrass (paspalum notatum), but it is not safe for use on seashore paspalum (paspalum vaginatum). 

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Will Specticle G Herbicide adversely effect black bamboo?

I'm confused on the proper setting to utilize on my Scott's edge guard spreader. My yard is approximately 16,000 sq ft


Specticle G Herbicide is not labeled for use on bamboo and there is no pre-emergent we are aware of for it.

As for the spreader setting, your specific model spreader is not listed on the label. Please take a moment to view our video on how to calibrate your spreader here to find out the correct setting 

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When is the best time to apply Specticle G Herbicide?

Most pre emergents like Specticle are applied once in the fall and once in spring, when ground temps are 55 degrees . We suggest speaking with your county extension office for specific timing in your area.

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Specticle G Herbicide 5 out of 5 stars Rating: 5 (2 Reviews / 6 Q&A)

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