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Michael from Deer Park , Texas writes

Spraying Suspend SC ON LUGGAGE

With major Bed Bug Infestations accross the United States and Hotels and Motels being a considerable risk i was wonder if spraying suspend sc on luggage would help minimize the chances of bed beds from hitch hiking , and also if there is a health risk to .


Suspend SC is not labeled for use on luggage most likely because of the risk of it getting on clothing that you will then wear next to your skin. We do carry JT Eaton Bedbug Luggage Spray that is specifically formulated to use on luggage and even on beds in hotel rooms. Using the JT Eaton luggage spray would help minimize the chance of spreading bedbugs back to your home. You should also read our article How to Avoid Hotel Bedbugs so that you will be more informed on what to do or what to avoid doing while you travel to help minimize the chance that you will bring home bedbugs with you.

Answer last updated on: 03/22/2012

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Suspend SC Insecticide

Suspend SC Insecticide

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