Strobe 50WG does not require watering in after application and the label states runoff of this product will be reduced by avoiding applications when rainfall or irrigation is expected to occur within 48 hours.
Depending on what fungicide you are trying to prevent by using Strobe 50WG, you will either make 2 sequential appliacations or 3 sequential applications. Pleae refer to the DIRECTIONS FOR APPLICATION FOR TURF DISEASES Table on page 11 of the product label. ?If treating for Gray leaf spot and Pythium spp. control, do not make more the 2 applications of Strobe 50WG. For all other diseases when Gray leaf spot and Pythium spp. are not present, do not apply more than three sequential applications of Strobe 50WG.? Eagle 20EW Specialty Fungicide would be a good fungicide to rotate with Strobe 50WG.
We recommend waiting at least 2 days before mowing after an application of a fungicide such as Strobe 50WG.
Yes, per the product label for Strobe 50WG it can be used in a tank mix or alternation program with other registered fungicides that have a different mode of action and to which pathogen resistance has not developed. We recommend reviewing each product label for complete instructions.
Strobe 50WG is mixed at 1-4 oz per 100 gallons of water. It is not suggested to apply in a hose end applicator.
Studies show that fungicides such as Strobe 50WG can work best in slightly acidic water, pH 4–6.5, so around 6 would be fine.
Strobe 50WG can be applied on the ground when there is a small amount of dew.
The rate of Strobe 50WG to use for brown patch per the product label is 0.4 oz in 2-4 gallons of water per 1000 square feet. Make one or two applications in fall or when conditions are favorable for disease development
The frequency of Strobe 50WG depends on what disease you are treating. Most application intervals range from 14-28 days. Please refer to the product label for specific application rates and intervals.
Application intervals for Strobe 50 WG depend on the type of turf disease you are treating for. Please review the table on pages 27-35 of the product’s label for the application intervals specific to your turf disease.
Strobe 50WG is not labeled to be used on mango or coconut.
The product label states to ensure runoff doesn’t occur following an application of Strobe 50WG Fungicide, it is best to have 48 hours before any expected rainfall or irrigation occurs. The only exception to that is if treating Spring Dead Spot as the label requires the application to be watered in with ¼ to ½ inch of irrigation immediately following the application.
If the amount of rainfall you had was enough to cause significant puddling or cause water runoff/drainage from the treated area, then we would recommend doing another application 7 days from the inital date you applied. If there was not significant puddling or water runoff/drainage, you should be fine.
Strobe 50WG Fungicide should be applied at a rate of 0.2 - 0.4 oz in 1 to 2 gallons of water per 1,000 square feet. Water is just the carrier, if you are able to treat 1,000 square feet with 1 gallon of water then that will be fine. If you are unsure, we recommend calibrating your sprayer to know how much water you will need to make a thorough application.