Talstar P Professional Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 61 to 80 (of 1268 questions)
  • Asked by Tom
    What product should I use for prevention instead of what an exterminator uses?
    I do not want to have to have a service contract with an exterminator, but I'd also rather not wait to see bugs in my house. They would spray stuff outside the house, and then inside the house. While I am sure they handed me something that said it, I am also sure its exterminator grade, and I can not buy it. Is there something you would recommend that I can spray the same way, as an amateur, or do you disagree with the preventative spraying?
    We do carry and sell all of the same products professional pest control operators use. Unless you live in a restricted state, you can purchase and use the same products. (restricted states are listed on each individual product page on our site.) Talstar P would a great all around insecticide for you to use indoors and outdoors for preventative pest control. Talstar P kills over 75 different insect pests and has a long residual, so it keeps on killing pests for over three months after you have sprayed it. Plus, Talstar P is odorless, dries clear, leaves no stains, is non-irritating to the skin, and will not break down easily with rainfall. We also recommend that you use IPM or Integrated Pest Management to make the environment around your home unsuitable for insects. You can read more about IPM by reading our article : Integrated Pest Management IPM
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  • Asked by Cheryl
    What is the best treatment for army worms in Bermuda grass lawn with pets?

    Talstar P is the most popular choice for army worm control. You should spray later in the evening when the worms are most active. You will continue to see moths, but it is only the actual worm that causes damage. The Talstar P product label recommends:

    "To ensure optimum control, delay watering (irrigation) or mowing for 24 hours after application. If the grass area is being maintained at a mowing height of greater than 1 inch, then higher application rates (Up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be required during periods of high pest pressure"

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  • Asked by Melissa
    Do I need to wear a respirator, face mask or gloves while handling and applying Talstar P?
    My son is concerned about needing to buy a respirator, gloves etc to protect himself while spraying. Is this necessary? I want to be able to reassure him he will not be harmed during the spraying process. Also, if the product is premixed and he has extra, what is the best way to dispose of the excess premixed solution?
    According to the Talstar P product label, unless you are applying Talstar P in a small confined area that you can not immediately exit after the application, it is usually not necessary to use a respirator. We do recommend either wearing gloves or thoroughly washing your hands after handling insecticides. You should try not to mix more than you need, but in the event that you do, you will pour the unused solution out right up against the foundation of the structure.
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  • Asked by Mamie
    Does Talstar P insecticide kill mole crickets?

    Yes. According to the Talstar P product label:

    Mole Cricket adults: Achieving acceptable control of adult mole crickets is difficult because preferred grass areas are subject to continuous invasion during the early spring by this extremely active stage. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate
    before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized. Grass areas that receive pressure from adult mole crickets should be treated at peak egg hatch to ensure optimum control of subsequent nymph populations (see below).

    Mole Cricket nymphs: Grass areas that received intense adult mole cricket pressure in the spring should be treated immediately prior to peak egg hatch. Optimal control is achieved at this time because young nymphs are more susceptible to insecticides and they are located near the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated. Control of larger, more damaging, nymphs later in the
    year may require both higher application rates and more frequent applications to maintain acceptable control. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized.

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  • Asked by Stacey
    Is Talstar P safe if you have dogs and cats?
    Talstar P is safe to use around animals. As long as they are out of the area while you are spraying, they can return as soon as the area is dry. Talstar P is odorless, dries clear, leaves no stains, is non-irritating to the skin, and will not break down easily with rainfall.
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  • Asked by Deanna
    Is Talstar P safe to be sprayed on herbs such as basil?
    Talstar P is not labeled for use on edible plants and cannot be used on any edible vegetation. Please contact your local cooperative extension for advice on what products are allowed on your herb garden.
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  • Asked by Shari
    What do you do to get rid of Asian beetles in your garden?
    My girlfriends garden in Minnesota was over run with them this summer. Any preventative measure to use this fall? If not, what can I use next spring.
    Asian beetles are generally seen as beneficial in gardens as they eat other bugs that are known to cause damage to plants. If this is not a vegetable garden and you need to get rid the Asian beetles, you can use Talstar P at a rate of 1 ounce per gallon of water. If you need to spray a vegetable or herb garden, you should contact your local cooperative extension office and seek further advice based on the type of plant that needs to be treated.
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  • Asked by Abdul
    What is the best thing to use to get rid of white flies?
    Talstar P is our most popular product for white fly. It is important to spray the underside of the leaves on infested plants for effective control. Heavily infested leaves should be plucked off the plant and tossed in a bucket of soapy water.
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  • Asked by Tina
    Will any of your products kill stink bugs?
    We have probably a hundred around our house. They are becoming a nuisance. I need a product that sprays a wide area (i.e. back, front porches) etc.

    We have put together an Overwintering kit that is just for stink bugs. This kit includes Demon WP insecticide with Cypermethrin, Eco PCO dust and a hand duster for easy application. You should treat once a month through November for best results.

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  • Asked by Greg
    I currently use Cyonara 9.7. How does Talstar P compare to Cyonara 9.7?
    The Talstar P and the Cyonara 9.7 are both great products and are very comparable for general pest control. Talstar P is very gentle on plants and is odorless. If you have a bedbug problem or need a faster knockdown Cyonara 9.7 would be a better choice. Our recommendation here at DoMyOwnPestControl.com is if the product is working well for you, stick with it.
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  • Asked by Bill
    Can I kill the stinkbugs without killing the chickens?
    My chickens have taken care of all my insects for the past ten years. I have had stinkbugs for the third year now. help.
    We would recommend Talstar P for your use. Talstar P is labeled to be used in poultry houses and chicken pens so it should not harm your chickens. You must make sure your chickens are out of the area while you apply Talstar P and then they can return to the area as soon as it is dry. You should dilute 1 ounce of Talstar P per gallon of water and using a hand pump sprayer apply the solution on all door frames, window frames, areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, a band of soil 6 to 10 feet adjacent to the structure, also to a height of 2 to 3 feet on the foundation where pests may be active or may find entrance. As the stink bugs crawl over the treated area, they will receive a lethal does of the insecticide and usually die within a few hours. You should treat every month starting in August and ending in November for best results.
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  • Asked by Cindy
    Will Talstar P kill stink bugs? How does it work? Do I directly spray it on the stink bugs or spray an area?
    Talstar P will kill stinkbugs. You should dilute one ounce of Talstar P per gallon of water. You will use a hand pump sprayer to apply the solution on all door frames, window frames, areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, a band of soil 6 to 10 feet adjacent to the structure, also to a height of 2 to 3 feet on the foundation where pests may be active or may find entrance. As the stink bugs crawl over the treated area, they will receive a lethal does of the insecticide and usually die within a few hours. You should treat every month starting in August and ending in November for best results.
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  • Asked by Michael
    Will Talstar P work on stink bugs?
    Talstar P will kill stinkbugs. You should dilute one ounce of Talstar P per gallon of water. You will use a hand pump sprayer to apply the solution on all door frames, window frames, areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, a band of soil 6 to 10 feet adjacent to the structure, also to a height of 2 to 3 feet on the foundation where pests may be active or may find entrance. As the stink bugs crawl over the treated area, they will receive a lethal does of the insecticide and usually die within a few hours. You should treat every month starting in August and ending in November for best results.
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  • Asked by Jonas
    Does Talstar P work on killing the brown marmorated stink bug?
    This seemingly useless creature is a real pest. Please help! Thanks very much
    Talstar P will kill stinkbugs. You should dilute one ounce of Talstar P per gallon of water. You will use a hand pump sprayer to apply the solution on all door frames, window frames, areas where utilities (cables, pipes, wires) enter into the structure, a band of soil 6 to 10 feet adjacent to the structure, also to a height of 2 to 3 feet on the foundation where pests may be active or may find entrance. As the stink bugs crawl over the treated area, they will receive a lethal does of the insecticide and usually die within a few hours. You should treat every month starting in August and ending in November for best results.
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  • Asked by Andrew
    Can Talstar P be used inside a house for stink bugs? We have pets.
    Yes. Keep Talstar P applications to cracks and crevices around the perimeter of each room, door frames, window frames and other areas where you see stinkbugs emerging. Be sure pets are out of the area while you are applying Talstar P, and they can return as soon as the product is dry.
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  • Asked by Andrew
    Can I use Talstar P to get rid of cluster flies?
    Talstar P can be used to help control cluster flies indoors and outdoors. If the cluster flies have already made their way indoors, they will be harder to control because they usually hide in a wall void or other inaccessible area and are only visible when the house warms up. If the cluster flies are in an attic or drop ceiling or other dark area, a fly light would do a great job controlling the population. Using small fly lights such as the Fly Web in the house would also help to catch the flies. Spray Talstar P directly on baseboards, window frames, door frames, and places where utilities (pipes, wires, cables) enter in to the building and any other crack, crevice or gap where insects can enter.
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  • Asked by Susan
    How do you apply Talstar P for flea problem in house? The fleas are in the carpet.
    Talstar P cannot be used as a broadcast spray indoors, so it would not be a good choice for indoor flea control. We recommend you use Ultracide for indoor flea control. It is our recommendation and industry standard that you vacuum immediately before the application of Ultracide and every day or every other day after the application for the next two weeks. Vacuums can physically remove a decent percentage of flea eggs that are in the carpet, along with much of the organic crud that the flea larvae feed on. A critical part of the diet of the larva is dried blood, present there as fecal material from the fleas that are on the pets. Wherever the pets spend time they will shed the fecal matter and the eggs, so it is extremely important that you focus on these potential hot spots where the pets sleep. A vacuum also will remove a small percentage of larvae, but the larva is pretty tenacious, and will wrap around the carpet fibers down there at the base of the pile, and hold on for dear life as the vacuum passes by. The pupa is even tougher to physically remove, for it uses fibers as part of its "cocoon". But, the vacuum will stimulate the flea adults still in their pupa form to quickly emerge as the adult, and at this point perhaps be sucked up in the vacuum. Even if they are not removed by the vacuum, at least they now are exposed and susceptible to your treatment.   After two weeks most infestations require that you do a second application of the Ultracide and continue with the vacuuming.
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  • Asked by Miriam
    What is the safest way to get rid or minimize the amount of tiny files in my home?
    I have an indoor plant that requires diffused sun exposure. I transferred it to a bigger pot, and it has gotten these tiny flies. They are black and about the size of sesame seeds. I have no food exposed near that plant, but the number of flies have increased significantly. I don't know how to get rid of them or at least control the amount to a minimum. I have an indoor cat, and i wish to solve this the safest way possible.
    The flies normally associated with potted plants will be fungus gnats, living in the soil and whose larvae feed on bits of molds and fungi they can find in damp soils. The easiest control for them is to allow the soil to dry out completely between the times you are watering them, which may actually be the best thing for the plants anyhow. The second option would be to cover the soil in these pots with some material that prevents the flies from getting to or from the soil, such as a thick layer of spagnum moss or some screening. The third option would be to use an insecticide such Talstar P. Talstar P is a concentrated liquid insecticide that is diluted with water and then poured onto the soil and sprayed onto the plant itself. We recommend starting with letting the soil dry out between watering as this offers the fastest control in most cases.
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  • Asked by John
    Is Talstar safe near dogs and cats?
    Talstar P is safe to use around animals as long as they are out of the area while you are spraying. They can return as soon as the area is dry. Talstar P is odorless, dries clear, leaves no stains, is non-irritating to the skin, and will not break down easily with rainfall.
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  • Asked by Shawn
    Will this work to kill Pollila or wood moth larvae?
    We are not familiar with wood moths or Pollila. We did attempt to look them up with no success. We can tell you that Talstar P is not labeled for wood moths or Pollila. Perhaps these insects are not a pest species in the United States?
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Displaying 61 to 80 (of 1268 questions)