Talstar P is the most popular choice for army worm control. You should spray later in the evening when the worms are most active. You will continue to see moths, but it is only the actual worm that causes damage. The Talstar P product label recommends:
"To ensure optimum control, delay watering (irrigation) or mowing for 24 hours after application. If the grass area is being maintained at a mowing height of greater than 1 inch, then higher application rates (Up to 1 fluid oz. per 1000 square feet) may be required during periods of high pest pressure"
Yes. According to the Talstar P product label:
Mole Cricket adults: Achieving acceptable control of adult mole crickets is difficult because preferred grass areas are subject to continuous invasion during the early spring by this extremely active stage. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate
before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized. Grass areas that receive pressure from adult mole crickets should be treated at peak egg hatch to ensure optimum control of subsequent nymph populations (see below).
Mole Cricket nymphs: Grass areas that received intense adult mole cricket pressure in the spring should be treated immediately prior to peak egg hatch. Optimal control is achieved at this time because young nymphs are more susceptible to insecticides and they are located near the soil surface where the insecticide is most concentrated. Control of larger, more damaging, nymphs later in the
year may require both higher application rates and more frequent applications to maintain acceptable control. Applications should be made as late in the day as possible and should be watered in with up to 0.5 inches of water immediately after treatment. If the soil is not moist, then it is important to irrigate before application to bring the mole crickets closer to the soil surface where contact with the insecticide will be maximized.
We have put together an Overwintering kit that is just for stink bugs. This kit includes Demon WP insecticide with Cypermethrin, Eco PCO dust and a hand duster for easy application. You should treat once a month through November for best results.