Tempo Ultra WP is not harmful to animals or pets as long as you follow the product label instructions. You should only apply this product to appropriate areas. Once the product is dry, it is perfectly safe to allow pets back into the room.
Both Tempo WP and Cyper WP contain active ingredients that are synthetic pyrethroids. Tempo WP and Cyper WP are both excellent choices for scorpion and spider control and will provide very similar results. We often recommend Cyper WP over other WP products because our customers are not only looking for a quality product but they want it at the lowest price point possible.
A scoop of Tempo Ultra WP contains 5 grams. This is equivalent to approximately one teaspoon.
Tempo SC Ultra is a concentrated water based liquid insecticide that will need to be mixed with water. Tempo Ultra WP is a wettable powder that is also mixed with water. Both products contain the same active ingredient and will provide similar results. Tempo Ultra WP will do a better job on porous surfaces as it will stay on the surface and be more available to insects. Tempo SC Ultra, on the other hand, will dry clear and will not leave behind the powdery residue that Tempo Ultra WP can.
Tempo Ultra WP will kill most bed bugs that come in contact with it. It really takes more than one product to eradicate bed bugs. Also, Tempo Ultra WP is not labeled to be used in many areas that you would need to treat for bed bugs, such as mattresses and box springs. Please visit our Bed Bug Control page for tips and videos to assist you with bed bug treatment.
There would be no valid reason for mixing Talstar P with the Tempo Ultra WP. They are both synthetic pyrethroids. It would not make either product work better or produce better results, though it could make treated areas repellent to bugs lessening the effectiveness of the treatment. You should choose one product, read the product label and follow it closely.
No, Tempo Ultra WP cannot be applied to furniture or mattresses.
Because Tempo Ultra WP is a wettable powder, you may notice a slight white residue left behind after it dries, especially on darker surfaces. You may want to consider using Tempo SC Ultra instead, which is a liquid concentrate that will form a clear solution that will not leave a residue.
A scoop of Tempo Ultra WP contains 5 grams.
Because Tempo Ultra WP is a wettable powder, you may notice a slight white residue left behind after it dries, especially on darker surfaces. If this is a concern, you may want to consider using Tempo SC Ultra instead, which is a liquid concentrate which forms a clear solution and will not leave a residue.