If the use rate of Tenacity Herbicide is of 5 oz per acre, you'll need to use 0.11 oz or 6/10 of a teaspoon per 1,000 square feet.
It would be best if clippings were bagged after the first mow and application of Tenacity Herbicide. Bagging will help with lawn health.
Tenacity Herbicide can be used at the time of seeding for most grass types. Fine fescue is the only grass seed that should not be used at the time of application. It is recommended that you wait 2-4 weeks after an application of Tenacity Herbicide to reseed with fine fescue.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled for use in or around any edibles or vegetable gardens. Please visit our Herbicides for Edible Gardens Page for products that are safe to use around edibles.
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to treat for actively growing ivy.
Tenacity is not labeled for quackgrass. The common recommendation is to kill the quackgrass with a glyphosate product like Roundup QuikPRO and then reseed with the desirable turf.
When mixing concentrates such as Tenacity Herbicide, it is always a good idea to add some water to your tank, add your concentrates, agitate the mixture, and then fill the rest of the water and agitate again before spraying. This video has a great overview of how to use this product.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to prevent or eradicate lespedeza. Quali-Pro MSM Turf Herbicide may be a better option.
Yes, Tenacity Herbicide can be shipped to Washington state.
Tenacity is labeled for use on St Augustine grown for sod only and would not be recommended on a home lawn. Could you tell us what you are trying to treat for and we can try to recommend a product that you can use?
Tenacity is labeled for postemergent control of nutsedge. However, the product label does state that weed control with postemergence applications require a second application after 2 to 3 weeks. You should also make sure that you apply the Tenacity to young, actively growing weeds with a non-ionic surfactant.
It is possible that Tenacity Herbicide will harm daffodils if sprayed. Since flowers can be considered a broadleaf weed, this product can harm it. Tenacity Herbicide is only labeled for use on listed lawns.
When using Tenacity Herbicide there should be no issue with planting annual rye seed after using it. Per the product label you would want to apply either at seeding or close to it for the best performance.
If you have already seeded, then you do not want to apply Tenacity Herbicide to the newly seeded turf until is has been mowed two times or four weeks after emergence (whichever is longer) before making a postemergence application.
Tenacity Herbicide can be used if weeds are actively growing for post emergent control as long as the soil temperature is 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This product can also be used for pre-emergent control right now once the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. Be sure to water the product in at least 1/2 inch after a pre-emergent application to ensure the product gets down into the soil.
Tenacity Herbicide will not kill lawn fungus. It is a herbicide that will only eradicate listed weeds in listed turfgrass only. We do offer fungicides for the lawn.