No, Tenacity Herbicide is not organic.
Tenacity Herbicide if stored in a cool dry area will last up to 3 years. It sounds like you need to purchase fresh product. The mix rate you are using is correct.
Since Tenacity is an effective herbicide for weed control prior to or during seeding of certain turfgrasses during turf renovation and the water is only acting as the carrier for the solution to get into the weeds, you should be ok to reseed if you are happy with the results. For post emergent applications, you will need to wait for the turf to be established after 2 mowings to reapply.
Tenacity Herbicide would be a great product to use to treat for nimbleweed and can safely be used in fescue and other cool season grasses.
When using Tenacity Herbicide, the amount of water is not what is important; the right amount of product is. The rate for 1000 square feet is 1 teaspoon. The will mix in 1-2 gallons of water. Please let me know how much area you are treating to give you the best rate.
The rate of the surfactant is 1-2 teaspoons per gallon of water. For 26 gallons of water, the rate of surfactant is 26-52 fl oz.
The amount of Tenacity Herbicide that is used is based on the amount of area you are treating. With herbicides, the amount of water is not as important as the amount of water that is being used. The rate we would recommend using is 5 fl oz to cover an acre. This can be mixed in 25-30 gallons of water to cover an acre.
We are not aware of anything that can be added to Tenacity Herbicide to cause the plant color to change as it dies and it already causes a color change itself. Per the product label: Foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks. A repeat application is required after two to three weeks for improved postemergence weed control. A non-ionic surfactant should be added in postemergence applications
Tenacity Herbicide can be used as a pre-emergent or a post-emergent. A post-emergent application on Tenacity Herbicide would be to kill weeds that are already there. The product does not need to be watered in after application. For a pre-emergent application, the product is used to prevent weeds from coming up. It is recommended that you water the product in 1/2 inch after application to get the product into the soil.
Per the label of Tenacity Herbicide, this product can be applied at the same time of seed, except fine fescue. It is recommended that you mow at least two days before and/or two days after.
There are no restrictions on the label for Tenacity Herbicide regarding timing around application of beneficial nematodes. Unfortuunately, not too much is known about the possible effects of using herbicides when applying beneficial insects. We would not recommend mixing or applying Tenacity immediately after appying the nematodes. We recommend contacting the manufacturer of the nematodes you are using for their recommendation on how long to wait between these applications and which is best done first.
Tenacity Herbicide would only need a surfactant when using as a post emergent. For pre-emergence control you need to water the product in and apply before the weeds have germinated/emerged so it appears to be too late to benefit from that.
There are no time restrictions when applying Tenacity Herbicide along with insecticides or fertilizers. You can either spot treat or broadcast depending on how much of the target weed you are dealing with.
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to control bentgrass but it does need to be applied when it is actively growing and healthy. Per the product label: Apply Tenacity at 5 fl. oz. per acre in at least 30 gallons of water per acre at two to three week interval for up to three applications. Apply with a NIS surfactant. Bentgrass control may be more effective in the late summer/early fall just prior to onset of renewed bentgrass growth, than spring/early summer applications
Tenacity Herbicide can be used for both nimblewill and wild violet. To control nimblewill, you should start applying Tenacity Herbicide in the spring (late-April). You may need to make two or three applications to get complete control. You can also apply Tenacity in late summer and fall, but you should initiate treatments by August for best results. For other weeds such as wild violet apply to young, actively growing weeds.
For best results, do not apply Tenacity Herbicide when rainfall is forecasted to occur within 48 hours.
Tenacity Herbicide should only be used on St. Augustine grass that is grown on sod farms. It cannot be used on St. Augustine in residential lawns.
Tenacity Herbicide will not control moss. For moss in lawns, we would recommend using the Lily Miller Moss Out in granules or liquid.
Yes, Tenacity Herbicide can be tank mixed with Temprid FX, following the label instructions for each product. We would suggest doing a compatibility test in a small jar before mixing in a large tank.
Tenacity Herbicide is only available in a liquid version.
There is no wait time after applying Tenacity Herbicide to re-seed unless you are re-seeding with fine fescue. For fine fescue, it is recommended that you wait at least 30 days after application to re-seed. Be sure that your mix does not contain seed that will not be tolerable.