As long as both products do not contain the same active ingredient, and both have labels that allow tank mixing in general. Per the Drive label: The most restrictive labeling applies with any tank mix. To increase spectrum of control of broadleaf and other weeds, Drive XLR8 may be tank mixed with 2,4-D, Triclopyr, and other broadleaf herbicides. Make sure to do a tank mix test first for any clumping or discoloring before applying to the lawn. Also, be sure both products can be used on the treatment area safely.
If you are doing a full lawn renovation and wanting to kill existing plants before sodding, then we would recommend using a non-selective herbicide to clear the area before planting. You could use a product like RoundUp QuikPro for this application. Then after any existing plants have died and the lawn is prepared, you could put down your sod. We would suggest applying Tenacity after the sod is down as a pre-emergent (or post-emergent as needed) as long as the turf is one that is listed as tolerable on the product label. Keep in mind that the best time to use Tenacity for bentgrass will be in late Summer/early Fall.
There should not be any issues using Tenacity Herbicide and Sedgehammer Herbicide at the same time as long as the turf is established and not under other significant stress. If you are using Tenacity as a post-emergent herbicide, then it is generally best to spot treat since it can cause some temporary whitening of the desirable turfgrass. Another option that you may want to consider would be Dismiss Herbicide, which targets both sedges and many broadleaf weeds.
You can apply Tenacity herbicide on the day of seeding. Once you have seeded you will need to wait until the grass is mature. You can start applying a month before seeding so you can apply 2-3 applications before seeding.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled to control Poa Annua/Annual Bluegrass as a post-emergent application. The label only states that it could cause injury to it if sprayed. It is only labeled to be used to suppress poa annua when used as a pre-emergent. Please provide your desired turf grass for an alternate recommendation. Thank you!
It is not recommended to mix certain insecticides, herbicides, or fungicides with Tenacity Herbicide. You should wait to apply insecticides 7 days after treating with Tenacity Herbicide to avoid potential turf injury. Other ingredients in the fungicides or herbicides would be fine to use at the same time if there are no resttrictions on the product label.
No, Tenacity Herbicide must be used per labeled instructions or it could cause damage to your lawn if used otherwise. Applying Tenacity Herbicide more frequently than the label allows could cause unnecessary stress to your turf or worse, it could kill your desirable turf.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labelled for wild strawberry control. Q4 Plus would be suggested for Wild Strawberry to treat for in cool-season turf.
When using Tenacity, foliage of treated weeds cease growth after application, then turn white (loss of chlorophyll) and death may take up to three weeks. A repeat application may be required depending on what weeds you are treating.
Yes, Tenacity can be used to kill wild violet in fescue grass.
We would suggest testing the flow rate and pace of walk using the 2-gallon sprayer with plain water to determine the best nozzle setting before treating with Tenacity Herbicide. You want to be sure you are walking at an even pace and evenly spraying the area for best results.
Tenacity Herbicide is not labeled as safe for use around Mondo or Monkey Grass. Surflan has been used for pre-emergent control of broadleaf weeds in Mondo Grass and for post-emergent control, Sedgehammer is commonly used. Please refer to the product lable for instructions and applications rates.
Surflan - Preemergence weed control when applied to established ornamental plants before weeds have emerged. This product performs better with incorporation after application with irrigation, rainfall or light tillage.
Sedgehammer - Apply in landscaped areas with established woody ornamentals. Do not apply over-the-top of flowers, ornamentals, shrubs or trees.
You would not apply Tenacity Herbicide at a rate of more than 16 oz per acre per year or per crop (equivalent to a maximum of 0.50 lb. of mesotrione per acre per year), whichever is shorter.
Tenacity Herbicide is labeled to treat for Windmill grass.
Tenacity Herbicide is not restricted in the state of New York. It can be applied when the soil temperature reaches 55 degrees Fahrenheit. This should be broadcast across the lawn in areas where you are wanting to prevent weeds. Be sure to water the product in 0.5 inches to activate it. This product can be applied right before it is going to rain. We normally recommend applying Tenacity in early to mid April in cool season areas.
Please check out our Cool Season Lawn Guide for tips on how and when to use products in your lawn.
According to the manufacturer, it is not advised to apply more than the recommended amount of the non-ionic surfactant. We advise you to use the ratio recommended on the product label.
We recommend using a Non-Ionic Surfactant with Tenacity Herbicide.