Tenacity Herbicide should be applied and completely dried prior to allowing anyone (including animals) to return to the treated surfaces.
Tenacity Herbicide may be applied when soil temperatures are around 55 degrees or higher. Do not apply when air temperature exceeds 85 degrees.
Yes, Tenacity Herbicide can be applied with morning dew on the lawn. Morning dew will not lessen the effects of Tenacity. In some circumstances, a more moist soil will make for better root uptake. You are safe to make the Tenacity application in the cooler times of the day when temps are below 85 degrees.
Tenacity Herbicide states the following in reference to tank mixing. We always recommend doing a small tank mix test before application.
"Tenacity has been tested in tank mixtures with Barricade 65WG Herbicide (prodiamine), Vanquish® (dicamba), Turflon® ester (riclopyr), Spotlight™ (fluroxypyr), Quicksilver™ (carfentrazone), Basagran® (bentazon), Princep® (simazine), and AAtrex® (atrazine) for safety and efficacy on turfgrasses. Tenacity must be applied at reduced rates (4 fl. oz./A or less) if tank mixed with atrazine, bentazon or simazine. Other tank mixture partners may be safe but have not been tested. Turf managers wanting to tank mix Tenacity with other herbicides should test on a small basis for compatibility, safety and efficacy before treating large areas. See product labels for directions and precautions"
You do not have to remove dead plant matter after using Tenacity Herbicide, however if you plan to overseed, then it is a good idea to rake out dead plants since you may need to dethatch or aerate before putting down your new seed.
When using Tenacity Herbicide as a post emergent, it should not be watered in. It should be applied when there is no rain in the forecast for 24 hours after application.
For best results, wait 48 hours to water after applying Tenacity Herbicide.
Children can return to the yard as soon as all areas where Tenacity Herbicide was applied have fully dried.
We would not recommend Tenacity Herbicide be applied to flower beds and ornamental plants. According to the product label: “Avoid over-spray or drift of spray applications onto ornamentals or flower beds and gardens. Roses and daylilies are sensitive plant species. Avoid applications over the top of exposed roots of trees and ornamentals." A product that can safely be applied to Liriope, landscaped areas, over the top of ornamentals is Fusilade II Herbicide.
We would recommend waiting at least four weeks to apply a Weed and Feed after using Tenacity Herbicide.
Tenacity Herbicide should be used within 24 hours of mixing with water.
According to the Tenacity product label you will need to mix 1 tsp of product + 3 tsp surfactant with 2 gallons of water for spot treatments applied at a rate of 1 gallon per 1,000 sq ft. If you can acurrately measure a smaller amount it could be halved to do 500 sq ft but anything smaller would not be recommended.
Per the label of Tenacity Herbicide, the lawn can be reseeded at any time unless the grass type is fine fescue. You will not need to remove the dead weeds from the area first.
Yes, Tenacity Herbicide can be used at the time of seeding when using Jonathon Green Black Beauty Ultra.
We recommend that you mix Tenacity Herbicide with a non-ionic surfactant for the most effectiveness.
Tenacity Herbicide should not be used within 3 feet of desirable trees or ornamentals. If treating actively growing grassy weeds, Fertilome Over The Top II Grass Killer can be used. The manufacturer recommends that you use caution during application because the spray can cause damage if it comes into direct contact with foliage.
Tenacity Herbicide is safe to use in a yard where pets and children will frequent as long as they are out of the area during the application. They can safely return after the area has dried, typically at least 4-6 hours after application.
We do always recommend that only mix the amount of Tenacity Herbicide you can use at a time. To dispose of any remaining you would not pour down any drain, but can use to go over some of the areas you were treating or you can pour into the dirt right next to the foundation of the home to prevent any run off to the nearby creek.