Per the product label on Tenacity Herbicide, apply at grass seeding or close to seeding for best preformance. If you are not close, meaning within a week of application, then you would need to wait 6-8 weeks to re-seed, As for your questions is it too late ot re-seed, we recommend you contact a master gardener in your area or your Local Extention Office to get more information on that.
Tenacity Herbicide will not kill poison oak. Please see Bonide Poison Oak and Ivy Killer, which is designed just for poison oak and ivy.
Tenacity Herbicide is our most popular product for eliminating bentgrass from other desirable turfgrasses, but it does typically require multiple applications. Late summer/Fall applications will be more effective than Spring applications.
For best results, it is recommended not to mow within 2 days before or after application of Tenacity Herbicide.
For bentgrass control, Tenacity Herbicide should be applied at 2-3 week intervals for up to 3 applications.
According to the Tenacity product label, you will need to mix 1 tsp of product + 3 tsp surfactant with 2 gallons of water for spot treatments applied at a rate of 1 gallon per 1,000 sq ft. It is advised to use a dye like Turf Mark Blue with it so you can make sure to not overlap if you plan to do a broadcast application on the property. Repeat applications can be done after two to three weeks for continued post emergent weed control.
No, Tenacity Herbicide will not kill or eliminate orchard grass, quackgrass or tall fescue.
If it takes one gallon of water to cover 1,000 sq ft then use one gallon of water to the appropriate amount of products. If it takes 2 gallons of water, you will still use the same amount of Tenacity and surfactant. The water is the carrier so that amount of product is applied over the full 1,000 sq ft.
Tenacity will help control annual bluegrass (poa annua) from germinating in the Fall, but it will not interfere with new plantings of Kentucky Bluegrass. If you are putting down any new seed, apply Tenacity as close to seeding as possible. If you have new KBG seedlings coming up already, then wait to apply Tenacity until after the new grass is established (2 mowings or four weeks, whichever is longer).
Tenacity Herbicide can take multiple applications to be most effective. It does not require irrigation after application for post-emergent weed control. Are you mixing a surfactant like Non Ionic Surfactant? This helps the product to stick and penetrate to the xylem of the plant best. Be sure the target weeds are listed on the Tenacity product label.
You can mow 2 days prior to application and 2 days following application of Tenacity Herbicide.
Tenacity Herbicide should not be used around or on desirable ornamentals and/or trees. This should not be used within 3 feet of the trees or ornamentals.
According to the Tenacity product label for smaller applications, you will need to mix 1 tsp of Tenacity and 3 tsp of surfactant to 2 gallon of water, using 1 gallon each to cover 1,000 sq ft. Be sure to check the product label to ensure proper rates for your turf type and target weeds are being used to get the best results.
As you probably know, Centipedegrass is a very sensitive species of turf so many products that eliminate the crabgrass and other weeds can also cause damage to your lawn. Tenacity is a great pre- and post-emergent herbicide that will control crabgrass along with many other types of weeds without harming your centipede lawn. Make sure to read the Tenacity label very carefully and mix exactly what is recommended as this is a strong product and mis-using it can cause temporary turf injury. When applying Tenacity it is highly recommended to use a temporary turf colorant like Turf Mark Blue to allow you to see where you are spraying. Overlapping your application of Tenacity can cause temporary whitening of the lawn as well, but the color will return in 3-4 weeks at most. Please let us know if you have any other questions.
Yes, chelated iron can be used after using Tenacity Herbicide
Tenacity Herbicide is one of the few products that can be applied at seeding, prior to seeding, or just after seeding of new grasses to help prevent and control weeds at the same time. Be sure to check the label for any restrictions to certain turf types as Fine Fescue is more sensitive than other species when using Tenacity at seeding. Be sure to use a Non Ionic Surfactant with Tenacity when applying for best results.
Tenacity Herbicide is our most popular product for eliminating bentgrass from other desirable turfgrasses, but it does typically require multiple applications. Late summer/Fall applications will be more effective than Spring applications.
As a pre-emergent, Tenacity will only last about 30 days, so you may re-apply after 30 days if necessary making sure you do not exceed the max application rate per year. However, the product label states “If used for preemergence in established turf, tank mixtures with preemergence herbicides such as Barricade® 65WG Herbicide are recommended for longer residual and broad spectrum weed control.”