Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 361 to 380 (of 965 questions)
  • Asked by Richard from Bainbridge Ga
    Can you use Termidor SC inside your house for flea control?

    Termidor SC cannot be applied indoors or for flea control. We do carry an Indoor Flea Kit that will be great for this application. You will vacuum daily (discarding the bag or emptying the canister after each use) and spray once every two weeks. It is highly recommended to make a minimum of two applications indoors but may require additional applications depending on the level of fleas.


    Flea Treatment Information

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  • Asked by Larry from Boynton Beach, Fl
    I have very tiny ants popping up now and then in kitchen and bath maybe other places.
    We would recommend applying Termidor SC (1 ft up and 1 ft out) directly to the exterior of the home twice a year. Phantom would be a great choice for the indoor cracks and crevices. It will last inside for three months with the liquid formulation and one month for the aerosol.
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  • Asked by Steve from Portland, Or
    I am seeking carpenter ant control. I was told Termidor 1 foot out; 1 foot up.
    Because I have pets, I am reluctant to go one foot out/one foot up. I used to use Ficam W, which seemed to work with just a tiny band sprayed around the foundation.
    Termidor SC is safe for pets if applied when they are not in the area. They can return once the treated surfaces are completely dry.
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  • Asked by Dennis from Saugus Ma
    How long does Termidor SC take to kill the colony?
    I have carpenter ants coming and going into my house from the yard. And dust, traps and bait crystals don't seem to be working. The only thing that kills on contact is the sprays. I don't want to kill the workers if they are the ones bringing the poison into the nest. But I need to get into the nest to do the killing.
    The amount of time it will take Termidor SC to eliminate a colony of ants will depend on how large the colony is the begin with. It could take weeks. Termidor SC is a non-repellent insecticide that works with a delayed reaction amd also has a transfer effect. That means that ants cannot tell that the Termidor SC is there and will walk right over it and then pick the product up on their bodies and inadvertently carry it back to the colony, then through normal social interaction the ants spread the Termidor and wipe out the colony.
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  • Asked by Paul from Metairie, La
    HELP... Will Spraying Termidor SC Directly on Active Drywall Termites Work
    I purchased your Termidor SC in order to trench around outdoor slab, BUT I have since discovered that I have active drywood termites already in a wall Within 1 week I noticed they ate through a 6'x8' section of an interior solid 1" thick mahogany like wood!. I also found the exterior wall seam that they entered in from. There were no tunnels from the ground, only a big tunnel in this exterior wall gap. Based on the new kick-out pellets I have seen each day for the past several days, I expect to see LIVE ACTIVE termites when I remove this interior wall. I would like to spray all of these ACTIVE termites directly as I see them, any nests, and also drill studs and inject more Termidor SC in damaged studs. AFTERWARDS, I would like to take down this TEMPORARY plywood that has been covering my wall void and replace ALL damaged wood at that time. MY QUESTION IS, How long do you think I should wait before taking down my temporary plywood wall and replacing damaged studs? I want it to be enough time for the active termites that I sprayed to have carried the Termidor SC to the other termites. Do you think a week would be long enough? Finally, I would replace the damaged studs with pressure treated wood, AND also spray on some of your BoraCare to adjacent areas of wood that was not damaged. Do you think my plan of attack is good? Please let me know ASAP I am not sure if a couple of days mater or not at this point. Anything else I should consider doing? Thanks!
    First you want to open this area up and go ahead and treat with Termidor. Wait three months for the product to eradicate the colony and then replace the dry wall and wood. We also recommend to trench around the outside perimeter of your home to. Treating now, will help lower the chances that the termites will move to another area.
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  • Asked by Dave from Coral Springs Fl
    Is trenching best down with wet or dry soil, hot cold weather, when bugs are present or not?
    I live in So Fla where there is sandy soil
    Termite trenching is best done when the soil is a bit moist and when the temperatures are below 85 degrees. Having bugs present or not will have no effect on the treatment.
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  • Asked by Diana from Concord, California
    Is it possible to eliminate an already present termite problem or are most products more of a preventative?
    We have been told we have subterranean termites. Professionals are quoting $2,000 for treatment. I've been told by big box stores that it is a waste of time to try to solve the problem myself. Also, are any products, prophylactic or otherwise, safe to use around small dogs?
    You can absolutely do a active termite treatment yourself with the same products you would use as a preventative, and at a fraction of the cost of hiring a company. If you have subterranean termites, you will want to follow the instructions in our guide How To Do A Termite Treatment. On this same page, you will see a video on how to perform the treatment so that you fully understand what you will need to do to eliminate any current termites and prevent new ones from infesting the home. As long as you use the products according to our instructions and the label, and keep pets away from the area while you are doing the treatment and until the top of the soil has dried, it is completely safe. Pets and people can resume normal activity in the treated areas once all product has had time to dry which normally takes a couple of hours.
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  • Asked by James from Oviedo,fl
    Used TermiDor around the foundation of my house. Three hours later had massive down pour.
    Should I re-apply the application?
    Termidor becomes rainfast aproximately 6 hours after it  has been applied. Since you had a massive downpour only 3 hours after your treatment, another application would be recomended. 
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  • Asked by Chris from Columbia Mo
    Will perimeter trenching with fipronil be sufficient or do I need to treat the crawl space?
    I have a 20x30 wood frame building (basically a big shed) on wood posts, on a slope so that crawl space underneath varies from 0 to 18". Dirt underneath. An untreated central 2x12 beam was partially buried in soil (don't ask me, I wasn't there!) and is infested with subterranean termites which have also started on the OSB flooring and two untreated interior posts. Beam is being replaced with treated wood which will not contact the ground. Posts below the floor are treated, including the 2 in the center and a dozen perimeter posts. I will cut off all contact between untreated wood and soil. Do I need to crawl under the building and pour solution around the central posts and/or ground surface, or will a perimeter treatment around the outside be sufficient? I only want to tear up and repair this floor once! Thanks.
    We would absolutely recommend doing the crawl space with Termidor by trenching around all of the piers/beams and treat just as you would around the outside.
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  • Asked by Fred from Kissimmee, Fl
    How long is Termidor effective when sprayed on exterior surfaces to control ants, etc.?
    Termidor will last up to 6 weeks when used for ant control.
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  • Asked by Ivette
    Can you use Termidor Sc inside your house for roaches?
    It's for my mom's house they told me to use Termidor SC to eliminate the roaches inside the house. Thanks.
    Termidor SC is not labeled for indoor use. To treat roaches indoors we would recommend using one of our roach control kits. Please see our Roach control page. We highly recommend using a roach bair gel like Maxforce Fc Magnum and then a crack and crevice spray like Demon Wp indoors and out.
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  • Asked by Enrique from Casa Grande, Az
    tremoder sc: After trenching will re-planting and watering a treated area compromise the termite treatment.
    need to know soon........thank you
    You should not dig up any area that is part of the Termidor treated barrier or you do indeed risk interrupting your barrier treatment. We recommend never planting within 6 inches of a home (where your trench is located), because this allows pests to hide and increases chances that they will invade your home too.
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  • Asked by Beverly from Ventura, Ca
    We have a mobile home with "sub" termites found by 3 professional companies only on 3 spots on one side of our
    home. We also live very close to a lake with fish and ducks. Since we can't trench on the lake side, can we just trench along the infected side and just spray under the entire coach?
    With a situation such as yours, you just need to do the best you can while preventing any run-off from getting into the lake. You definitely will want to trench along the side where the temites have been spotted. Apply Termidor to as much of the soil under the coach as possible by trenching or spraying.
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  • Asked by Carol from Owasso, Ok 74055
    Termites in water well house. Why can't I use Termidor to kill them?
    I have a 8 X 6 wood frame water well house on a slab with plywood walls infested with termites. The actual well pump is 75 feet underground in a PVC casing. Only the well cap, the holding tank and electrical hookup is visible in the house. The well is used only for outside irrigation.
    The Termidor SC product label states that you cannot use Termidor SC closer than 5 feet from a well or cistern. Please contact the manufacturer for more information, BASF 800.526.1072.
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  • Asked by Bill from Ok
    How do the trenching instructions change for the case where the top of the foundation footer is only 4 inches
    Below grade? Also, the top of the shallow footer extends out from the house about 12 inches. So, following the standard instructions, I'd be pouring the liquid entirely on top of concrete!

    If the footer is right below the dirt level, within 6 inches, and it comes out 12 inches, then you should make your trench out where the footer ends.  In other words, instead of digging a 6 inch trench directly against the structure, you will move the trench away from the house where you can dig down past the footer.  You should still treat the soil in between the trench and the house (where the soil sits on top of the footer) by just drenching the soil if you can. 

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  • Asked by Paul from Ocean Springs, Ms
    Is Termidor SC the same product my local professional uses?
    Yes, the Termidor we carry is the same version the exterminators use to treat homes. 
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  • Asked by Steve from Apache Junction, Az
    Building a new shed with steel floor joists (size 8x16). There is granite on the soil.
    What would be the correct way to treat underneath the shed for termites?
    You should treat the entire area before they set the joists and before the granite is put down.  This is called a pre-treat.  You should apply the product at a rate of 1 gallon per 10 square feet.  Some of our customers also use a 5 gallon bucket and pour the 5 gallons over 50 square foot sections which will be much faster than using a hand pump sprayer which comes out slowly.  It is very important to apply more around the perimeter edges.  Since this is the more likely entry point of termites you want to make sure you treat more heavily around that area.
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  • Asked by John from Apopka, Fl
    How often should I spray termidor as a carpenter ant barrier?
    Termidor SC can only be sprayed twice a year around the home. While the product does not last 6 months under the outdoor elements, it will do a great job of keeping the insects at bay for a while from its initial transfer effect. If you need to spray more than twice a year for any reason you can substitute between your Termidor sprays with a general insecticide like Talstar P. 
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  • Asked by Kevin from Billings Montana
    Do termites come up from underneath your slab? If so than why is 6 in deep enough for your trench?
    In the majority of houses and structures the wood termites would be seeking is water damaged wood and is typically located around window and door casings or exterior walls where water may have breached. The 6x6 trench is flooded with solution that actually gets quite deep in the soil. As the termites are searching for food they typically come nearer to the surface of the soil and are very likely to pass through the treated area. Since the most likely place for termites to find the moisture ridden wood is on the exterior, they would normally contact the treated areas (aka trenched areas).  That being said, it is still possible for termites to come up underneath slabs if the water damaged wood is contained in say an interior bathroom. This is the exact reason it is recommended that your home be inspected for termites every two years.
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  • Asked by Anonymous from Port Charlotte,fl
    How long is the shelf life of Termidor SC?
    Termidor SC has a 3-5 year shelf life if stored away from extreme temperatures.
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Displaying 361 to 380 (of 965 questions)