Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 321 to 340 (of 965 questions)
  • Asked by Robert
    Will Termidor work when applied on stucco and concrete?
    I have a major ant problem. On 3 sides of my home a concrete sidewalk butts up to the homes stucco foundation. Can Termidor SC be applied to stucco and concrete and achieve the same results as when applied to soil? If not, can you recommend a different product? Thanks!
    Termidor is the best product available for ant control.  Termidor is made to bond to any surface and will last just as long on concrete and stucco as it does on soil, which is about 3 months when applying it on all surfaces for ant control.
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  • Asked by Robert
    Do I need to use a certain type of sprayer with Termidor SC?
    Can I use Termidor SC with the Chapin 1 Gallon Pump Sprayer (#20000) to spray around the perimeter of my home? Thank you.
    Any hand pump sprayer will do as long as it is clean and does not have residues from other products you may have used. The Chapin 1 Gal Pump Sprayer model 20000 will do a great job for you.
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  • Asked by Byron
    I have carpenter ants. I know where they are entering thehouse. Can I spray Termidor inside my window frames?
    What is best application??
    Termidor SC is not labeled to be used indoors or in wall voids for carpenter ants. You can use it around the outside of your window frames, door frames and any other crack or crevice where the ants could be gaining entry into your home. Termidor SC is the #1 product on the market for carpenter ants. We also carry Carpenter Ant Kit#1 and Carpenter Ant Kit#2.

    Carpenter Ant Article
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  • Asked by Lou from Denham Springs, Louisiana
    I have severe allergies and fire ants in my kitchen.
    What can I use that will kill the ants and not be harmful to me or my food?
    Chances are that the ants are coming from outside and getting inside the kitchen.  99% of the time ants are nesting outside and coming inside for food or water. The best treatment for ants outside is Termidor, hands down.  It is sort of a liquid bait when used for ants, and any ants that walk over where you spray pick up the Termidor on their bodies and bring the product back to the colony where they spread it around to all other termites, including the queen, and typically within a few days to a week all of the ants will be dead.  Termidor is used around your home like any other pest control product and is applied using a one gallon hand pump sprayer.  You should re-apply every 3 months for optimum ant control.
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  • Asked by Barbara from Prairieville, La
    How long before you can eat fruit from tree if Termidor used within 10 feet?
    We had our house treated for termites with Termidor last fall. We have two fruit trees near the house, one 3 feet away and one 7 or 8 feet away. What are the chances that the fruit is contaminated? Is Termidor systemic? Should we discard the fruit this year? Would it be safe next year?
    We recommend that you contact the Termidor SC manufacturer directly since we can only give you information based on the product label. You can reach BASF at 800-526-1072
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  • Asked by Barry from Tucson, Az
    Do I need to drill holes in patio slab if I can pour around the divider between patio and house slab?
    My patio slab is not part of the post-tension slab the house is built on. The divider is a black foam-like material that is loose but cannot be easily pulled out due to overhang of stucco wall directly above. I think I can pour termiticide solution in this slot around the patio perimeter without drilling holes.
    You can do this if you choose, however the reason it is recommended to drill and close the holes is so you can prevent water from getting into the chemical that you apply.  Also, usually the crack between the patio and house slab is not large enough to pour 4 gallons per 10 lineal feet along the house.  If you did use the crack, you need to make sure you can patch it adequately as to not let water down the crack and dilute the chemical, and also you need to make sure you get the 4 gallons per 10 feet down the crack as recommended.
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  • Asked by Joe from Lexington, Ky
    The exterminator left some overspray of Termidor SC in our garage. Should I be concerned?
    While a professional exterminator was drilling and rodding in our garage along two walls, there were at least two holes where he left the rod on as he pulled it out, and it sprayed up our wall and on some of my tools. I'm calling them back to clean it up, but should I be worried about residue on my walls where my kids might come in contact, and the overspray on tools and a canvas bag that it might not get completely cleaned off of? Thank you.
    Termidor SC has a half life of about 6 weeks when sprayed topically. This means that any residual will break down over time and should be gone within about 6 weeks. You should still have the pest control operator thoroughly clean the area as that is what the Termidor SC product label demands when the product has been spilled or sprayed improperly.
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  • Asked by Amy from Spokane, Wa
    We had Termidor sprayed around the outside walls of a vegetable garden box (made of wood) almost 1 year ago.
    How long do we need to wait before we can plant vegetables to eat in the garden box that was treated?
    As long as the Termidor SC was only applied outside of the actual garden area it should not effect the soil inside the garden area. If there is a doubt if some Termidor SC got inside of the garden area you can remove the soil and replace it with fresh soil to avoid any contamination issues.
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  • Asked by Peter from Corona,ca
    Will fruit from my fruit trees be safe to eat if I sprayed Termidor SC near them for ant control?
    The flowerbeds have fruit trees that are 1-2 ft away from the cinder-block wall. I sprayed termidor SC to the base of the cinder-block wall to get rid of the trail of ants last year. Will my fruits from these fruit trees be safe to eat? I am a little concern now that the termindor solution might seep into the roots of these fruit trees
    As long as the Termidor SC application was not applied within the root-zone of the trees the fruit should be safe to eat. Termidor SC does not move through the soil and would not trans-locate anywhere, it would stay exactly where you placed it.
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  • Asked by Brent from Amarillo, Texas
    I have 14 X 20 foot shed. It is 8 inches off the ground. What is the best way to treat for termitestermites.
    How should I apply the treatment for termites. They were in some scrap wood stored under the shed. I have removed the wood.

    You should perform a liquid termite treatment in the ground to get the termites where they are entering the shed.  To perform a treatment just as a professional company would do, please read our How To Do A Termite Treatment Article which explains exactly how you should treat your home properly.  Doing a treatment like what is described in the article will not only take care of existing termites that you have, but it will also protect and prevent future termites from entering for about 7 years.  Even though the article talks about a home, the shed is no different.  You should dig a trench around the structure as described in the article below, as well as try to trench around individual supports under the shed if possible, if any exist.

    Here is a a link to the article:  http://www.domyownpestcontrol.com/termite-treatment-c-3_352.html

    Please let me know if you have any further questions.

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  • Asked by Jon from Rancho Cordova Ca
    How often to perimeter spray for ants?
    Hello there are two "answers" back to back in your Q&A with conflicting information. One answer to Nadeem says to treat the perimeter every 3-4 months. Another answer to Don says every 6 months. The reason I ask is normally I only spray twice a year but it's only been 3 months since I last sprayed and with the recent rains I have a lot of ants in my house right now.
    According to the product label you are only allowed to use Termidor SC once very 6 months for ant control (the only exception to this is for folks dealing with the Raspberry crazy ant of Texas and only in certain counties Texas. Those folks have received an exemption). You can alternate between products if needed. You can use Termidor SC and then alternate it with Phantom which works very much like the Termidor. By using this method you are staying within the label limits.
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  • Asked by Charlie from [email protected]
    Do you have to treat the interior of the garage if there is no activity of subterranean termites in it?
    This is in regards to a full treatment at a home structure
    You can do that if you choose, but it is not as effective as drilling the slab inside the garage.  This is because the garage is a separately poured slab, meaning the termites could come from deep underground and come up to the surface under the garage slab, and enter the wall where your door is going into the house untouched.  You don't have to drill every wall in the garage, just the walls that are not exterior walls, where you have living space on the other side of the garage wall.  So it is a personal choice, but drilling the garage walls is the best way to protect all entry points.
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  • Asked by Jason from Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
    Do you ship termidor to Australia?
    We do not ship outside of the United States. We apologize for any inconvenience!
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  • Asked by Deno from Bradley, Illinois
    I am doing a subterranean termite treatment - can I use Termidor HE and Termidor SC?
    After finding a huge sub. Termite infestation in my crawl space, can I use Termidor HE in the areas that access is extremely difficult and the Termidor SC in the areas that have much easier access? Also, should I spray the bottoms of my sub-floors or any exposed wood with the borax (? name) wood treatment then after both treatments (Termidor,bare wood treatment) should I spread the termite granules across the entire crawl space to or is this a over kill!!?? I am doing the trenching and drilling around the Perimeter according to the Termidor (HE, SC) specs. call for!! Thanks for your help!!! Deno
    We do not carry the Termidor HE so we are not familiar with how it compares to the Termidor SC and whether you can use the two products together. Trenching and drilling around the perimeter of the foundation, trenching and drilling any piers under the crawlspace, and spot treating in wall voids with Termidor SC is our best recommendation. If you would like to give extra protection to the exposed sub floors you could do a life long protection on those areas with the Boracare. The Boracare would be mixed at a 1:1 ratio for any active infestations, and a 5:1 ratio for preventative only. Mix it with hot water and spray or paint it onto any raw wood surface for protection for the life of the wood. Please let us know if you have any further questions! You can also review our article on How To Do A Termite Treatment.
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  • Asked by David from Carrsville, Virginia 23315 Isle Of Wight Co. Near Norfolk Va.
    Pros are pumping Termidor solution into ground around home with 1/2 steel hollow rod hose?
    hose connected to 100 gallon pressured tank in truck. 1/2 steel rod is tee shaped and placed every foot or so in lieu of digging the 6 by 6 inch trengh around the foundation. I own 7 rental homes plus my home and farm. do you sell this independent tank and set up package or can you refer me to purchase it wholesale? Thanks
    Although we can not say the company is treating your properties incorrectly, we do know that the method you mentioned is against the usage label from the manufacturer. BASF is the company who created Termidor and has VERY specific guidelines set by the company and by the EPA as to how to properly use the product to get the results intended from it. There are places all over the BASF Termidor product label, which clearly state that rodding alone is not sufficient, no matter what applicator tool used, to treat a home for termites. You can either do a 6x6 trench around the foundation, or a 6x6 trench with rodding used additionally every 12 inches through the trench at a depth not to exceed the footing of the home. We do not carry the device you are requesting, nor do we have any knowledge of a company who sells that type of apparatus. If you choose to do the treatment yourself you will need to follow the label exactly by how it should be used in a treatment to be accurately protecting your structure. By using the product inconsistent with what the label permits, you are not only potentially not protecting your home completely by leaving gaps between the holes where the termites can still get through, but also breaking federal law. If you have any questions about the treatment methods used call BASF at 1-800-777-8570. You can also refer to our How To Do A Termite Treatment article for treating your home yourself.
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  • Asked by Sharon from Gulfport,ms 39507
    Will valuable plants at base of concrete piers die from injecting Termidor very close to plant roots?
    The Termidor label says to not use the product within one foot of the drip line of edible plants, but does not mention ornamentals or non-edibles. To make sure your plants will be safe, please contact BASF at 1-800-777-8570.
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  • Asked by Jeanna from Los Alamitos, Ca
    Each 20 oz bottle covers how many square feet?
    This will depend on how you are using it. If you are diluting it to be used as a general insect barrier spray around your foundation, then each gallon you mix up at the .8 ounce rate will cover roughly 1000 sq/ft. So you are looking at a total of 20,000 sq/ft for the whole bottle. If you are doing a termite trench treatment, each 20 ounce bottle will cover 60 lineal feet. Please let us know if you have any further questions.
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  • Asked by Anthony from Kankakee, Illinois
    will this stuff kill wood boring beetles and whats the difference between this and Bora-Care
    The Termidor is going to kill some of the population if you directly inject it into the holes and galleries they are eating away, but Boracare is the better product to use. Termidor is not a wood treatment product and is primarily used for soil treatments for subterranean termites. Boracare is specifically formulated for wood and to last for the life of the wood. For Boracare you would mix it at a 1:1 ratio for the active infestation and spray or paint it onto all of the raw natural wood surfaces where you have activity. The Boracare will penetrate into the wood and kill any existing insects, as well as protect it from any future infestations. Feel free to contact us if you have any other questions.
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  • Asked by Richard from Huntsville Al 35803
    Suppose I choose to do my own termite control. What sort of expense would I incur? My home is 1750 sq ft.
    My home is built on cinderblock with a crawl space. One company wants to drill holes in my concrete slab garage to put down chemicals. Is this really necessary?
    Please take a few minutes to read our  How to Perform a Termite Treatment article so you can fully understand what to expect. Most folks who choose to do the treatment themselves can expect to spend between $200-$400 depending on the set up of their home and drill rental if necessary.
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  • Asked by Danny from Metairie, La. 70003
    When I receive Termidor, how do I know how much of the shelf life has already been spent on your end?
    Termidor is a high moving item so most bottles dont spend more than 1-2 weeks in our temperature stable warehouse. We are unsure how long it sits from the time it is placed in the bottle before it comes to us, but you can always contact the manufacturer with the code printed on the bottle which will tell them when it was produced. Most of the time it is no more than 6 months from time it is packaged to the time you receive it. If you want to check your batch code, contact BASF at 1-800-526-1072.
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Displaying 321 to 340 (of 965 questions)