Termidor SC can kill sugar ants when used outside around the perimeter of the home but these are not actually a species of ant. It is just what ants that are looking for a sugar/carb based food are called since they go for sweets. We would suggest using either the Indoor or Outdoor Ant kit depending on where you are seeing activity.
Sugar Ant Products/Kits
How to Get Rid of Ants Treatment Guide
We recommend you keep applications of Termidor SC Termiticide/Insecticide about 30 days apart from applications of a pyrethroid. Doing so sooner may impact effiancy.
We recommend waiting until the Termidor SC treated areas have dried before turning on the units. As long as non of the application seeped inside, you can use the rooms as usual after the application.
We are only able to provide the Termidor SC in the 20 oz bottle. We do have the Taurus SC with the same active and instructions available in larger sizes.
Termidor SC is a great choice for liquid soil treatment since it has a very long soil residual (10 years or more) and great transfer effect. In preventative applications, you would not be required to treat the inside of a crawl space. However, if there are live termites in the crawl space, then you would still need to spot treat that colony to insure control of them. So just treating the exterior of the house is not considered sufficient if there is already an issue in the crawl space.
If you can treat the termites from elsewhere in the house, then you may be able to spot treat the activity using Termidor Foam instead.
Yes, Termidor SC is labeled for wasps, but you can only apply if they are on the outside structure of your home.
Due to the high water table and potential for regular flooding in the state of Louisiana, most of the soil termiticides such as Termidor SC are not for use in the soil in that state. This means only unique and safer formulations that wont get into the water are allowed, or bait stations in instances where liquids are not the preferred option. The two main termiticides that are not restricted to soil use in Louisana are Altriset and Phantom. Altriset is what most customers use due to its newer formulation and safety for the environment, along with its great termite control abilities. If you feel trenching is not going to be what you would like to do, we do carry Termite Bait Stations as a great alternative home protection option. The guide linked here is extremely helpful and goes through step by step instructions as well as "How to" videos for both treating with a liquid termiticide as well as installing bait stations.
Termidor SC is approved to be sold and used in the state of Florida.
Unfortunately, we don't carry the 2.5 gallon size of Termidor SC so don't have a way to check on this for you. We apologize for any inconvenience; have a wonderful day.
Termidor SC does not penetrate into the wood at all. It will only sit on the surface of the wood and is best applied in a trench around the home for termite protection. It will transfer back to the colony by those that go through the treated soil. We have a step by step guide that will walk you through how to do your own termite trenching treatment. You can see the guide by clicking on the link here.
Termidor SC should not be applied to palm trees (or other trees). It should only be applied as directed against the foundation.
Termidor SC should be applied in a trench against the foundation of the structure not perimeter of deck. It can also be applied in drilled holes in concrete against the foundation.
Termidor SC should not be applied directly to any foliage, including flowering plants. If you are concerned about ornamental plants being affected by Termidor SC when trenching, this product contains Fipronil which is not a systemic insecticide and would really not be absorbed by plants.
Per the manufacturer, if fipronil were to get into plants, it can partially breakdown reducing any risk of translocating. The active is formulated to last up to 10 years in the soil because it binds with it when applied correctly.
Please refer to the product label for complete application instructions.