Sugar Ants
By Robyn on 03/13/2012
I've inherited sugar ants with my home 3 yrs ago. I've had a local business come and place bait and spray 3 times. Began seeing them on kitchen counter in Jan 2012, and as their numbers increased, I called same business to come spray/bait again. After being told they weren't offering their 60-day guarantee, I decided to figure something else out, as $159 for their service wasn't acceptable anymore. I found this product online and did some research and decided to give it a try as it was much less expensive than the alternative. The day it arrived something happened and the ant situation was over the top--by this I mean there were thousands on my counter to a point I couldn't lean against the edge of my sink. I was freaking out and trying to figure out where they were coming in. Regardless, I opened 4 bait stations and placed 2 at opposite ends of my counter and 2 on the floor where I found the ant highway. The next morning I dreaded seeing the ants weren't gone, and much to my surprise, not only were 98% gone, but the ones still around were by the bait stations on the floor and moving very slowly. I took the bait off my counters and placed them on the floor as well, and within the next 2 days, all ants were completely gone. I've left them on floor (under edge of cabinets) and out of the way. If I hadn't seen this myself, I wouldn't believe this worked so well and so fast. I was ready to move out due to infestation in my kitchen. I bought the box of 30 and will be placing them around within the coming months, as these ants are an ongoing problem--for my neighbors as well.
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49 of 49 people found this review helpful
Mission Accomplished
By Dan on 07/11/2010
We were inundated with pavement ants at our beach house, especially in the kitchen. We had tried different solutions to no avail (Windex, bleach, keeping counters clean, etc.). After researching the problem and talking to my mom in Florida who had the same problem, we tried this product and voila -- after about two days, the ant problem went away. I left several traps on my counters in the path of the marching ants. It's important to let the ants feed on the traps and then go back to their nest where they feed the other ants and the queen. Borax is a slow killer so it takes a day or two. The amazing thing is that our treatment seemed to help the neighbors problem too! So in a nutshell, these traps work well! I leave a few traps around now just in case. A steady diet should keep the ant population in control.
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31 of 32 people found this review helpful
Terro Ant Bait
By Tricia on 04/25/2012
I have tried just about everything on the market to rid my home of an ant problem and this is the only solution I have found. Once you place the ant traps down, it only takes a couple of days for you to see them disappear. It's like magic. The key is changing them out every 3 months if you've had an ant problem like I've had. I'm not sure if I will have to use these forever in my home or just for certain times of the year yet but so far this is the best value for the return. I definately recommend this product. Great customer service also when I called to explain that my dogs dug into one of the traps. They quickly pointed me to their site and told me to locate the MSDS pdf and contact my vet just to be sure. Nice product and great customer service deserves a 5 star rating in my book. No drawbacks whatsoever.
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30 of 32 people found this review helpful
Something that actually works and its cheap
By Thebplot on 06/29/2010
A friend, who is an exterminator, gave me some of these for an ant problem last year. He said "its the best on the market and only thing that really works". This year, I bought these stations and did it myself - but still call him for my carpenter bees. Highly recommend product.
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22 of 23 people found this review helpful
Silent time bomb
By Jimmy on 06/03/2010
This product works! It took out the ants out in three days. It's been 3 weeks since I last saw any ants. Out of the 30 stations, I only used 4 stations. As of 6/3/2010, I have 26 more stations on standby. I really recommend this product to anyone looking to rid themselves of rabbit ants.
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21 of 24 people found this review helpful
Terro pco
By Steven on 06/24/2012
Shipping took for ever. Product took a week and a half to get here. Last time was here in less than a week.
Expert response:
customer ordered on a Sunday. Monday was the first opportunity for us to ship out the order. He is in California which is 4 to 5 days shipping. With the weekend which UPS does not deliver, it was delivered the following Monday to the customer, only 1 week after ordering. Not a week and a half.
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14 of 25 people found this review helpful
By Dolores on 04/01/2013
A friend told me about these ant baits. They work. Had tiny black ants invading my house. Tried everything from Lowes. Nothing worked. Put the bait stations outside, and the ants loved it. Took about a week to kill all the ants, because of rain. Highly recommend.
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10 of 10 people found this review helpful
Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations - 30 stations
By John on 10/08/2012
I noticed my Pest control company using your product a few years ago. It worked like a charm then. Ants are a year around problem where I live. The infestation then was within my kitchen. In a couple of days there were no more ants. The ants took all of the bait. Several months later they were back (the ants). The bait worked again. This time their trails were all over my house. I ordered the 30 bait station package and only needed 6 stations to rid the whole house of ants. I followed their trails to outside the house and kept moving the stations closer to their home. I haven't seen ants for a week now. My job takes me away from my home for months at a time, so now I know I can come home to an ant free house. I have used bait stations and sprays from other companies for over 30 years. Yours works better than anything I have tried in the past. Thanks for the great product.
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9 of 9 people found this review helpful
Not effective for my needs, but that doesn't mean...
By on 05/08/2013
Purchased this product to combat ant invasion that occurred in our newly purchased home. I placed them on the kitchen counter and also in a bathroom. When I did spy a few ants on the counter and put this bait station in their path, they actually walked around it. They were not interested, but that could be that they were on their protein cycle. Also, I found that I could have purchased in a big box store. FYI, I did purchase Phantom and it was EXTREMELY EFFECTIVE. After using Phantom, also purchased here, there are no more ants. Highly recommend Phantom (either spray or mix).
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8 of 10 people found this review helpful
It Works!
By Jim on 02/05/2016
We have multiple places where big-head ants are running, near the perimeter of the house and the pool. It may take a day or two for them to find the bait. After about a week the activity has stopped. I'm sure at some point they will return, but this is an effective ant stopper.
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8 of 9 people found this review helpful
Bait Stations worked overnight
By Don on 02/27/2015
These ant bait stations worked quickly & are fantastic! I am thrilled with the success I've had to eliminate an army of ants. Plus I have peace of mind--they are safe for pets (dog) & humans (grandkids). Of course we took every precaution to keep bait out of reach/sight. Unfortunately, our dog managed to get one & chewed it. I panicked & called the Vet with ingredients. He said our dog would be fine--and he was. Three summers ago, we had a serious ant infestation. It happened quickly--a few ants on kitchen counters & within that week trails of hundreds of ants inhabited our house. We attempted to treat the problem ourselves w/products bought from a big box stores---with no success. In fact--the ants multiplied. So, I hired an exterminator. He placed Terro PCO ant bait stations & sprayed--indoors & out. Ants were gone in less than a week. There has been no sign of ants--until now. It's Winter in PA--avg. temps. 10-30 degrees. Not sure what is going on, but I suspect the ants nested in our basement like before. They are back and building an army quickly. Decided to track down the same ant bait stations that the exterminator used and save the $165 exterminator fee. I was so happy to find them on I placed 12 stations in kitchen & finished basement areas where ants have been seen. In less than 3 days--No more ants! I'll be shopping for more products. We have learned our lesson not to ignore signs of insects where they don't belong.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Great Product
By Seymour on 10/27/2012
Very easy to use. I just cut the plastic containers to open and within one day the ants were lined up. Within a few days the ants started to disappear. I keep a container near the door so they never get inside the kitchen. The exterminator wanted to charge me from $200 to $450, It was nice of one to suggest this product.
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8 of 8 people found this review helpful
Gone, Gone, Gone!
By I. on 03/29/2016
The exterminator we pay to spray our yard told me we couldn't get rid of the sugar ants in our house. The Terro bait stations worked beautifully and in the exact manner described. Recommend product as well as this company. Comment section contains a lot of good advise as well.
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5 of 5 people found this review helpful
Bottom line ... It works
By Bill on 07/24/2012
Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations
By Barbara on 09/21/2010
Big Black ants
By Wilmer on 07/06/2016
Very effective
By Anonymous on 09/05/2013
Unwanted house guest
By Ratchanee on 10/06/2010
Every year around August/September the heat really drives the ants inside without fail. I've tried baits and the sonic repeller and they would work for awhile but the ants would come back. I noticed results the very next day after my husband sprayed the outside perimeter with the Pro-Citra DL Aerosol and the Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations.
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4 of 6 people found this review helpful
Still waiting
By Thomas on 10/29/2010
I had a pretty bad infestation of the little black ants (the ones everyone says are sugar ants) when I moved into my apartment. So I bought these after the complex's pest control guy said I was SOL; since it is a bait, I figured it would work better than any spray. Well it seemed to work great at first; I set out 6 on the computer desk that is built into my bedroom, 6 on one side of the kitchen counter, 6 on the other side, and 6 in the master bathroom. The instructions say to use 7 but I figured with as much is in them, 6 would be more than enough. All of the ants started swarming the containers within a few minutes, and within a few days, I didn't see them anymore. Well, that was a month ago. I've left the containers out to get any stragglers, and I just got back from a 3 day trip out of town. My kitchen sink had some dishes in it when I left, and when I walked in tonight, the ants were all over the place. Everywhere but the bait containers, actually. Smart little buggers I think. I'm going to try relocating the containers on the counter to see if it helps, and I will update the review if I manage to get rid of them completely.
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
Seems to work
By S. on 06/28/2011
I had purchased everything that I could find at the big box stores, but the ants have walked right by it, never spotting a single ant eating any of it. When I put this stuff out within minutes they were coming in to feed by the hundreds. I hope they're dying from it and not just dining.
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
Terro PCO Ant Bait, Best on the Market
By Edmund on 09/30/2014
Worked Immediately
By Shelbyc on 05/17/2016
Very simple, easy to use bait stations. We began to see dying ants immediately in the house. We only put out a few bait stations on our first floor, but it affected ants everywhere in the home, including the second floor. Even though the ants were dying daily for a couple weeks, we were still seeing them everyday. We just treated the outside foundation with Termidor and had our first day without any visible ants in the home. We are hoping this is a sign that the nest is outside the home.
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4 of 5 people found this review helpful
ant baites
By Stan on 05/05/2016
Ants are loving it
By Mary on 02/18/2016
We live in south Florida and have been been under attack by ants. I put out the bait station and over a course of days they disappear. At different times, we have had them in the kitchen, bathrooms, office and living room. We have an exterminator but there are still a LOT of ants. I am using it around the outside if I find a place they can get in. I have given several neighbors a station and they are using them in their homes and cars. I highly recommend this product. The neighbors have have also purchased their own box of Terro PCO.
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4 of 4 people found this review helpful
Your company
By C on 01/18/2016
It Works...!!!
By Anonymous on 08/23/2013
Terro PCO Ant Stations
By Perimeter on 09/30/2014
These baits are very effective. I have tried them all, and by far the terro lasts longer and works well in the fight against ants. They have been especially good with white footed ants, which are known to have very large colonies.
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3 of 3 people found this review helpful
Awesome stuff !
By Reggie on 07/24/2012
It has been incredibly hot (106) and the ants were flooding in the baseboards like crazy. I used Diatomaceous Earth and Boric acid but they kept scrambling to find another avenue. When these bait stations arrived I vacuumed up all the somewhat helpful dusting I did and laid the traps. It is quite unnerving to watch the absolute tsunami of ants that jumped on the bait wagon. The first 2 days heavy traffic but then it began to taper. One area died away completely only for them to resurface a week later. I must have had a ton of ants living under/in my home. Slowly but surely they are getting wiped out. I am amazed, and incredibly pleased to not be battling ants with non-toxic dusts and vacuum. You have to get at the root of the problem and get rid of the nest, otherwise you'll be fighting a losing battle.
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3 of 4 people found this review helpful
Amazing Ant Begone!
By Evelyn on 04/09/2016
Can't stand these little pesky pest and do not like using any type of spray. So, when I found the Terro Bait online I was encouraged enough to place an order. I receive my shipment within a few days...which, was a real plus. Put two baits out right away and waited to see how quickly I would see results. Happy to say, after two more pest. I was just amazed. Thanks, Terro, for such an awesome product! I highly recommend this product to all.
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3 of 4 people found this review helpful
Not again
By Mo on 04/26/2017
We get ants every time the season changes from cold to warm. If I could give the Terro liquid a negative grade I would. Did not work for me at all I been dropping drops for a week and the ants love it but they seem to multiply not die. Now I had to pay a exterminator to kid all these ants
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2 of 3 people found this review helpful