Yes, The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is labeled for safe for all of those grasses as long as they are established. Just meaning that you've mowed them at least 2-3 times
Unfortunately, we do not have an exact prill size for The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide. The exact size can vary somewhat depending on the inert carriers used in each batch. You can view the chemical property information available on the Safety Data Sheet here.
Yes, The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide can be applied near Peonies without harming them. It is safe for use around established perennial and wildflower plantings as directed on the product label.
The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide can be applied in gravel areas, you would just need to use more water to ensure the product travels past the gravel on to the soil. If you do not use more water (it will not dilute it, just help it travel) you will get limited to no results
We also recommended testing a small area first to make sure it does not stain the gravel if that is a concern
When doing a split application for herbicides, you want to apply at the low to mid rate to ensure you do not exceed the maximum annual rate allowed per the product label. The higher rate would be a for a single application.
The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide rate for tall fescue is 1.8 lbs to 7.2 lbs per 1000 sq ft. For a split application, apply at 3.1 lbs per 1000 sq ft with a second application 6 weeks following the initial application of 3.1 lbs per 1000 sq ft.
Do not apply more than 2 applications per year or exceed the maximum annual amount of 7.2 lbs per 1000 sq ft.
According to the manufacturers' product label for Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide, this product may be applied to Bahiagrass over two applications at a rate of 1.8 - 7.3 lbs. / 1,000 sq. ft. (0.38-1.5 lbs. ai/A).
The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide will cover 7k to 27k square feet depending on the type of turfgrass you have. Please view the product label for application rates and more information.
Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide should NOT be applied to the lawn that was seeded last month. What is the kind of turfgrass that you are wanting to treat?
Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is not labeled to be used around tulips ornamental bulbs. We would recommend Snapshot 2.5 TG Granules for pre-emergent control around flowering plants and ornamentals. Applications should be made 2-4 weeks before weed emergence for best results.
Snapshot 2.5 TG Granules can also be applied following bulb emergence but before flowering after flowring. For fall planting bulbs, applications should be made in late winter and early spring.
The Anderson's 0.48 Barricade Herbicide should be applied in early spring and late fall for pre emergent control of weeds prior to germination. In fall to control winter weeds, pre emergents are best applied when soil temps drop to 70 degrees and continue to drop. In spring to control summer weeds, pre emergents should be applied when soil temps are just under 55 degrees.
View our Cool Season Lawn Care Schedule for general timing recommendations. For exact timing recommendations, contact your local cooperative extension office to determine the best time in your region for pre emergent applications as they will vary greatly from region to region.
Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is not labeled for quackgrass. We do not carry a pre emergent that is specifically labeled for quackgrass in a lawn.
Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is not labeled for poison ivy. You will need to use a post-emergent product like Bonide Poison Ivy and Brush Killer BK-32 and spot treat as best you can.
Yes, Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is labeled to be used as a pre-emergent for preventing crabgrass.
Andersons 0.48 Barricade Herbicide is labeled as safe to use around established Oleander (Nerium spp.) to prevent listed weeds. It will not kill anything actively growing, only prevents that listed weeds from emerging when applied before they germiinate. You can view the full list of weeds this product prevents as well as the full list of tolerant ornamentals on the product label here.