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Nita from Delaware writes

The Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations are not working still after 7 days to get rid of tiny ants?

We used Terro before with very good results within two days but now we are living at a new house and after a bad rainstorm we started seeing tiny ants on the kitchen sink window sill. After 7 days using Terro we are still seeing them.


Terro PCO Ant Bait Stations will attract and kill a wide list of ants as long as they are searching for sugar/carbohydrate food source. Ants acceptance to baits depend on the what the colony needs being a sugar food source or protein food source. Since these dietary needs can change frequently, it is recommended to offer both a sugar and protein ant bait. We suggest using Advance 375A Ant Granular Bait which is a protein bait at the same time as an ant gel bait to always provide a choice. Even though the smaller ants you have are typically called "sugar ants", they too can be in the mood for a protein and they will not touch the Terro if they are not in need of the sugar.   Please view our Ant Treatment Guide for more information. 

Answer last updated on: 09/08/2021

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