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Safety Products

Please be sure to read the product label of any insecticide you choose to use to get information on the personal protective safety gear you will need. In most situations, it is recommended that you wear long pants, a long sleeved shirt, closed toe shoes with socks, chemical resistant gloves, and goggles. In areas where ventilation is poor, a manufacturer may recommend you wear a mask or a respirator. We have put together two different safety kits that will make selecting the correct safety gear easier for you.

Thrips Inspection Guide

By DoMyOwn staff
photo of a small group of thrips on a leaf
Thrips are some of the smallest of the common household and garden pests. Their minute size and varying colors can make them tricky to identify. Follow the tips in this guide to learn what to look for and where you're most likely to find thrips. Find more details about what thrips insects look like in our identification guide.

Signs You May Have Thrips

What To Look For

Some varieties of thrips will cause a more general type of plant injury to occur, including drooping or wilting leaves, but many types will leave telltale signs of the damage they have done. Be aware of these signs and keep an eye out for them on your home or garden plants. This is an important step in confirming that the damage you have sighted is caused by thrips.

  • Tiny dark spots or flecks on leaves and buds
  • Visible stippled patterns on leaves
  • Silvery discoloration of plant surfaces
  • Blackened, wilting leaves

Common Thrips Feeding Spots

Where To Look
thrips cause damage to the leaves of a plant
  • On the surface of leaves
  • On and around young buds and other foliage
  • On the leaves and bark of affected trees
  • Inside flower blossoms

How Can I Confirm I Have Thrips?

Due to their small size, a handheld magnifying glass can come in handy to confirm the presence of thrips if you suspect that they may be the cause of visible plant damage. We have provided several recommended ways to find a sample insect to identify below.

  • Set out blue or yellow insect test cards or glue boards around suspected breeding grounds to trap nearby thrips.
  • Hold a sheet of white paper under an affected plant and knock or shake the stalk. If thrips are present they will fall onto the paper where you can see them clearly.

Have you spotted signs of thrips around your home or garden? Learn the treatment options available to you in our how to get rid of thrips guide. Click the right arrow below to learn more.

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