The mix rate for TM 4.5 Fungicide will vary depending on what disease you are treating. The rate for brown patch is 2-3.5 oz per 1,000 sq feet. We suggest that you calibrate your spreader using just water over a small area to determine how much water you need to use to treat the entire area before adding your fungicide. Please see the Label for complete application instructions.
Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable is a Group 1 Fungicide.
Quali-Pro TM 4.5 Flowable is safe for your dog if used as directed on the product label. Your pet should NOT be present during the application and while the surfaces are wet. Once completely dried, your dog may return to the treated areas.
Per label, TM 4.5 Fungicide mix rate is 10.75-20oz per 100 gallons. This breaks down to .1oz per gallon at lowest mix rate for Rust on Daylilies.
TM 4.5 Fungicide does contain a slightly higher percentage of Thiophanate-methyl therefore the mix rates are going to be lower but cover more treatment area in Commercial Use Sites such as Golf Courses, Turf-grass, Landscapes, Trees, Nurseries, and Greenhouses. Clearys 3336F Turf and Ornamental Systemic Fungicide is intended more for residential turfgrass, flowers, foliage plants, bedding plants, groundcovers, deciduous and evergreen trees and shrubs.
Both products have the same recommendations in regards to additional watering after the application. For Foliar diseases, no additional watering is needed to allow the product to dry on the leaf surfaces. For soil or root diseases, you will want to lightly water the application in help move the application down into the roots zone.
Refer to the product label for the specific Foliar or Turf disease you are targeting for information on rates, additional watering if needed and retreatment intervals.