Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide - Questions & Answers

Displaying 1 to 20 (of 121 questions)
  • Asked by Bill from Arley, Al
    How many ounces Trimec Southern to mix with a two gallon back pack sprayer
    Using a two gallon back pack sprayer to spray spot area for the spurge weed.
     For broadleaf control, you would mix 0.75 oz Trimec Southern per 1,000 square or approx. 1 gallon water. you would want to mix approx. 1.5 oz with 2 gallons water.
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  • Asked by Anthony from Dandridge, Tn
    How quickly does Trimec kill weeds?
    I specifically want to kill dandelions, however I have a number of various weeds in my lawn that I would like to eliminate.
    It can take 1-3 weeks to see results on young, actively growing weeds when using Trimec Southern.
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  • Asked by Eric from Labadieville Louisiana
    Can the Trimec Southen Broadleaf Herbicide be used in the early spring?
    The Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide can be applied anytime weeds are actively growing. 
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  • Asked by Cecilia from Muldrow, Oklahoma
    Is it recommended to mow before or after applying Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide?

     The Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide does not specifically state if if mowing before or after is beneficial to the effectiveness of the application, but we generally recommend that you do not mow within 2 days of herbicide applications. Applications need to be made when there is no expected rainfall for 24hrs, and temperatures are not above 90 degrees. DO NOT apply to newly seeded turf until after the 2nd or 3rd mowing. Being a post emergent, this product will absorb better and more thoroughly if the weeds have some growth to them and are not cut short.

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  • Asked by Lori from Loveland Co
    Pet and children safety rules for Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide
    a lawn service just sprayed this product on our apartment lawns and sidewalks. How does it effect children and pets. nothing was posted until after the fact.
    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is safe for children and pets to be around after the treated area has dried. Please let us know if you have any questions.
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  • Asked by John from Dallas, Texas
    How much trimec southern for a 5 gallon backpack sprayer to spray weeds in bermuda grass?
    For broadleaf control, you would mix 0.75 oz per 1,000 square feet on Bermuda turf. The amount of water is not as important as making sure to apply the solution uniformily over the 1,000 square foot section. Most herbicide labels will list how much active ingredient should be used per 1,000 square feet. To calibrate your equipment, for example, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used an entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount in 1 gallon of water. If you only use ½ gallon to cover the 1000 square feet then you mix the recommended amount on the product label in a 1/2 gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Al from Florida
    Does Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide need a surfactant? Would a surfactant produce better weed control?

    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide comes with a surfactant already mixed in the product so you do not have to purchase and mix a surfactant separately like you do with most of the other herbicides that we sell. 

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  • Asked by Mike from Newnan, Ga
    Trimec southern, do you mix with water or just pour and spray straight?

    Trimec Southern is a concentrated product that must be diluted with water prior to use. We have linked the product label below so you can review the application instructions:

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  • Asked by Greg from Eleva, Wisconsin 54738-9229
    I have a 1.5 acre yard in the country. What is a good post emergent weed product?
    Weeds are terrible this year, you name it, I got it I think.

    One of our most popular general weed control product that is post emergent is the Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide. Trimec Southern is labeled for just about any weed you could have and will not harm your grass.  Best of all, it comes with a surfactant already mixed in the product so you do not have to purchase and mix a surfactant separately like you do with most of the other herbicides that we sell. 

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  • Asked by Vicky from Columbia Sc
    Do I use a hose end sprayer or a container sprayer?
    Do I use a hose end sprayer or a container where I add the product with water in order to apply Trimec Southern?
    It is recommended to use a hand held or backpack pump sprayer to apply to herbicides like Trimec Broadleaf Herbicide. The problem with using the hose end sprayer for herbicide applications is that they are not very accurate and you can wind up dispensing more/less product than needed in a given area which can lead to less than desirable results.
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  • Asked by Justin from Richlands, Nc
    What is the mixing rate of Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for applying to centipede grass?

    The mixing rate of Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide for centipede grass is 0.37-0.55 fl oz per gallon of water.

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  • Asked by Mickey from Elwood
    When can livestock, in our case horses, be put back on to pasture treated with Trimec Southern?
    Need to eliminate white clover and chickweed in a 5 acre pasture we rely on for summer grazing. need to have horses on it by mid-may. Live in central Indiana.

    We would not recommend using Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide in an area where animals will be grazing. If it has already been used, the animals should not be placed in the area for an entire grazing season.


    We would recommend using Martins Clear Pasture. There are no grazing restrictions except in lactating dairy animals.

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  • Asked by Gary from Wagoner, Ok
    What is the mix proportion per gal or water for Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide. My label got destroyed.
    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is applied at 0.37 - 0.75 oz per 1,000 sq. ft. The amount of water is not as important as making sure to apply the solution uniformily over the 1,000 square foot section. Most herbicide labels will list how much active ingredient should be used per 1,000 square feet. To calibrate your equipment, for example, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used an entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount in 1 gallon of water. If you only use ½ gallon to cover the 1000 square feet then you mix the recommended amount on the product label in a 1/2 gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Kathy from Adamsville, Tn
    What is the difference Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide and Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide?

    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled for warm season turf grass only.  Trimec Classic Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled for cool season turf grass and some warm season turf grass.  There are also different amounts of the active ingredients in each product. 

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  • Asked by Angela from Westminster, Sc
    How much Trimec Southern do I mix with water in a one gallon sprayer? I have 7,400 sq ft to cover
    I don't see that info on the label I have 7,400 sq feet to cover but don't know what size bottle to buy.

    How much of the Trimec Southern you use is dependent on your grass type and is found on the product label as amounts per 1000 sqft not not per gallon.

    For Bermudagrass and Bentgrass: 0.75 fl oz per 1000 sqft.

    For Bluegrass, Fescues and Zoysiagrass: 0.75 to 1.1 fl oz per 1000 sqft

    For St. Augustinegrass and Centipedegrass: 0.37 to 0.55 per 1000 sqft

    The amount of water is not as important as making sure to apply the solution uniformily over the 1,000 square foot section. Most herbicide labels will list how much active ingredient should be used per 1,000 square feet. To calibrate your equipment, for example, mark off an area of 1,000 square feet, and cover that area at your normal pace as evenly as possible. If you used an entire gallon, you would use the recommended amount in 1 gallon of water. If you only use ½ gallon to cover the 1000 square feet then you mix the recommended amount on the product label in a 1/2 gallon of water.
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  • Asked by Gino from Jacksonville, Fl
    Is Trimec Southern safe for Floratam St Augustine grass? How much product do I use per gallon of water?
    Do I just spray the weed or the whole yard?

    No, Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is not safe for use on floratam St. Augustine grass. 


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  • Asked by David from Double Oak, Tx
    How long after an application of Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide can my dog get on the lawn?

    As long as you keep pets and children out of the area while you spray Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicideand until all treated surfaces have dried completely, it is safe to use and resume normal activity in the area. 

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  • Asked by Jeff from Wetumpka
    Should I water the grass right after applying Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide?

    Per the Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide label, do not irrigate within 24 hours of application.  

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  • Asked by Rex from Bee Branch, Arkansas
    Will Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide damage the lawn if sprayed with temp in 40's or 50's?

    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide will not harm your lawn in those temps and especially as long as your turf is listed on the product label as tolerant to the product. The biggest concern with herbicides is making sure you are not applying it when temperatures are too hot or over 85 degrees. Keep in mind that post-emergent herbicides such as Trimec will be most effective when the target weeds are young and actively growing, so you would see limited results, if any, when temperatures are less than 60 degrees.

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  • Asked by Paul from Chesapeake, Va
    Can I use Trimec on Saint Augustine grass?
    If so can you tell me which one to buy? It's June and about 90 degrees right now. I have about 60 percent St. Augustine and 40 percent weeds trying to get the Augustine to grow and kill the weeds. Any help would be appreciated.

    Trimec Southern Broadleaf Herbicide is labeled to be used on St Augustine lawns other than Floratam species.

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Displaying 1 to 20 (of 121 questions)