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Mark from Mesa writes

Trying to switch lawn from bermuda grass to desert landscaping. Would this product be a good choice?

After grass is gone and rock is down we will be planting desert flora and do not want it damaged.


TVC is going to be a soil sterilizer which means it not only will kill anything growing that you spray it on (including your bermuda you want to get rid of) but it also creates a barrier in the soil preventing any new growth of plants in the soil as well including desert flora. If you are looking for long term grass and weed control in the areas around where you plan to plant the desert flora, i would suggest using something like RoundUP first to kill out all the grass currently there, and then within a week or two the roundup residual in the soil will be gone and you can plant the desert flora. Once its in place and you know where the rock will be put, you can spray the rock areas being sure to give at least a 5 foot barrier between where you spray the TVC and the desert flora to prevent weed/grass growth on a more long term basis. 

Answer last updated on: 02/13/2015

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TVC Total Vegetation Control

TVC Total Vegetation Control

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