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TVC Total Vegetation Control is a systemic herbicide that works by translocating through stems and leaves and destroying the plant root. TVC Total Vegetation Control gives you season long control over undesirable vegetation such as annual and perennial weeds, woody brush, and trees. Use TVC Total Vegetation Control in non-cropland sites like utility, highway, railroad, and pipeline right-of-way, petroleum tank farms, utility plant sites, fence rows, pumping installations, under paved surfaces, non-irrigation ditchbanks, and storage areas. TVC Total Vegetation Control can also be used in rangeland and grass pastures, and for maintaining or establishing wildlife openings.
TVC Total Vegetation Control works as a pre-emergent and a post-emergent herbicide.
Product Documents
Active Ingredient | Imazapyr, isopropylamine salt - 27.8% |
Target pests | Annuals & Perennial Weeds, Woody Brush, and trees |
For use in |
Non-cropland areas: Railroad, Utility, Pipeline, Highway Right-of-Ways, Petroleum Tank Farms, Pumping Installations, Fence Rows, Storage Areas, Grass Pastures & Range-land * See Label for complete list |
Application |
0.6 - 6.4 oz per (0.5 - 5%) per gallon of water 2.6 - 25.6 oz per 4 gallons - backpack 2 - 6 pints per acre * Use a Surfactant to Increase Effectiveness * See label for complete application instructions |
Pet safe | Yes, if used as directed on Label |
AK VT (Restricted To Licensed Applicators Only) |
Special Features | Pre-Emergent & Post-Emergent |
Shipping Weight | 2.43 lbs |
Manufacturer | Control Solutions (Mfg. Number: 82004985) |
UPC | 072693049857 |
EPA Registration | 81927-23-53883 |
TVC Total Vegetation Control is a concentrate intended to be mixed with water and a surfactant.
TVC is an aqueous solution intended to be mixed with water and surfactant(s) for application to non-cropland areas including railroad, utility, pipeline and highway rights-of-way, utility plant sites, petroleum tank farms, pumping installations, fence rows, storage areas, non-irrigation ditchbanks, including grazed or hayed areas within these sites. TVC is also recommended for the release of unimproved Bermudagrass and Bahiagrass. It may also be used beneath certain paved surfaces. Additionally, TVC may be used on grass pastures and rangeland, as well as for establishing and maintaining wildlife openings.
When applied either pre-emergence or post-emeregence to weeds, TVC will control most annual and perennial grasses and broadleaf weeds in addition to many brush and vine species. TVC will provide residual control of labeled weeds which germinate in the treated areas. Post-emergence application with a surfactant is the method of choice in most situations, particularly for perennial weeds. For maximum affect, weeds should be growing vigorously at post-emergence application and the spray solution should include a surfactant. TVC solutions may be broadcast by using ground or aerial equipment, or may be applied as a spot treatment by using low-volume techniques. In addition, TVC may be used for stump and cut stem treatments.
TVC controls vegetation by absorption through leaves, stems, and roots, from which it is translocated throughout the plant, where it accumulates in rapidly-growing meristematic tissue. Treated plants stop growing soon after treatment. Chlorosis (yellowing of plant tissue) first appears in the newest leaves and necrosis spreads from this point. In perennials, TVC is translocated into and kills underground storage tissues to prevent re-growth. Chlorosis and tissue necrosis may not be apparent in some plant species until two weeks after application. Complete kill of plants may not occur for several weeks. Applications of TVC are rain-fast one hour after treatment.
Insane !
By Bob on 04/20/2015
Tried everything to get rid of bamboo... Yes bamboo ... Neighbor had planted with no barrier to block unwanted growth... Ended up all over my yard... As bamboo is very very hard to eradicate ... Cut thru stalks and sprayed a double strength solution ... Three days later nothing ... Week later nothing.. Was on the verge of giving up.. 14 days and every thing near the treated area is completely dead... No vegetation ... It works ! Highly recommend
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49 of 51 people found this review helpful
By Steve on 10/16/2014
This product works very well to control difficult to control weeds, both pre and post emergent. However, it can be extremely toxic to desirable plants. Product is quite persistent and if moved near desirable plants by water or dust, it will severely effect them. I have seen damage to grapes over 100 ft. from application site. TVC was applied while grapes were dormant, but apparently carried by dust to remote vines. Vines 10 ft from application were either killed or severely stunted. My guess is that materials needs to be better incorporated deeper into soil where wind erosion sould be less of a problem.
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35 of 39 people found this review helpful
TVC Total Vegetation Control
By Ron on 09/02/2014
I used this product along with Eraser and the Non-Ionic Surfactant for Herbicides around a building with high weeds and vines. I put this down on 7/28 and I just went back on 9/2 for Sept service and everything is still dead no new growth in the area that was sprayed. I am going to use it on a fence line at the apartment complex that we service I will let you know how it works on fence lines.
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works and kinda works
By Eldon on 08/25/2014
worked after one spraying in some areas. (ditch bank, around shed and a/c unit) ground still dead no sign of weed growth for 4 months now. had to apply second spraying on the parking lot area within a month to kill new growth. weeds are now starting to come back in parking area. the parking area gets only afternoon sun , don't know if this may be reason for weed comeback or not, but better than monthly spraying of round-up.
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22 of 23 people found this review helpful
By Keith on 05/20/2014
I am building a kennel and I do not want weeds growing in it. So I was hoping to use a soil sterilizer.
I have around 4000 sq of gravel driveways, patios and walkways. You have a bewildering range of pre emergent products. Adjacent to these areas are fruit trees and blackberry bushes. I also have pasture areas with horses and cows adjacent to these areas. One corner of one pasture, about 500 sq, has thistles and some other pickly weed that I have not been able to identify. Any suggestions
The best and longest-lasting pre-emergent herbicide to use around areas like gravel and patios where you do not want any plants to grow would be a vegetation management product like Martin's TVC Total Vegetation Management. This product will prevent any plant growth in those areas for up to 1 year. Just be sure not to apply in a way that would run off or contact the roots of desirable plants since this product last for so long. If you have existing plants in the gravel areas, then you can use RoundUp QuikPro to spot treat and kill any existing plants.
Keep in mind that many regular pre-emergent herbicides made for turf and/or ornamental areas have a temporary dye in the product to act as an indicator. You would want to be very careful with these products around concrete or other porous surfaces, since they could stain those surfaces. Either Dimension 2EW or Gallery 75DF can be used on basically any type of turf and would not stain concrete or gravel. These would offer 3-6 months of pre-emergent control of listed weeds.
To kill vines and brush in the pasture area, I would recommend Hi-Yield Range and Pasture Triclopyr 4. This product is safe to use in grazing areas and on many types of turf. The active ingredient is excellent for most vines, brush, stump treatments, etc. You would want to avoid spraying desirable plants like any shrubs or fruit trees, and you should not apply herbicides like this within the drip line of plants that produce edibles such as the fruit trees. You can view our other Range and Pasture Products here.
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47 of 55 people found this answer helpful
Is this product a good choice: Best way to apply - sprayer, and if so, which one? Is applying now (October) OK to last until next fall?
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33 of 35 people found this answer helpful
I applied TVC with a surfactant 6 days ago and I see no difference yet. They were short common lawn weeds along side my garage, which I cut down to under 2" first.
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30 of 31 people found this answer helpful
Surfactant use with TVC
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TVC Total Vegetation Control
Rating: 3.8 (32 Reviews / 72 Q&A)