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Patrick from Moore, Ok writes

Using a 40 gallon pull-behind sprayer with Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

I plan to spray about one acre of Bermuda in Oklahoma. I did a test calibration with my sprayer and I used about 15-20 gallons of water for this area. I have a dense weed population. Do I need to change the nozzles on my sprayer in order to spray 50-220 gallons per acre like the instructions say?


If you have a 40 gallon sprayer, this is actually the ideal amount of water volume to use for most post emergent applications such Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide per acre. This gives you close to 1 gallon of finished solution per 1000 sq/ft of surface area which is the average most products and volumes should cover. You can either adjust the nozzles to allow for a heavier output as you pull, slow your speed so that you are not pulling as quickly and can allow a heavier water volume to be put out over a smaller area, or you can make essentially a double pass over the entire lawn until the tank is empty. We would recommend typically the first or second option, as the risk with double passes on the lawn is uneven distribution of the chemical and more chance of lawn burn if concentrations are high in certain spots. 

Answer last updated on: 07/14/2021

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Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

Q4 Plus Turf Herbicide

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