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Victor Mouse Trap M040 Review

By DoMyOwn staff

Victor Mouse Trap M040 Review

 Victor Mouse Trap M040 Review Video Play

Video Transcript

“ Hi, this is Michael with domyownpestcontrol.  This is a product snapshot of the Victor Mouse trap. The Victor Mouse Trap comes in two models. One is the M40, the traditional mouse trap. The other is the M325, the professional mouse trap.   The main difference between the professional mouse trap and the traditional is the size of the trigger plate, number one. Number two, the professional version actually has two settings. It has an “F” setting for firm and an “S” setting for soft. This is meant for places that you may have machinery or the ground vibrates. You'll want to set the professional version to a firm setting, so it's not easily triggered.  The “S” setting is for normal use where you are not going to be having any kind of vibrations.  
As far as baiting the traps, this is the trigger plate on both units. And you want to put the bait, depending on what you're doing, we recommend the Provoke Mouse Attractant. It's specially formulated from Bell. It's irresistible to mice, hypoallergenic, non-toxic, and non-staining.  I just requires a small drop right here in the bait trough for the professional or right on the trigger plate for the traditional.  A small drop is all you need.
When setting a traditional Victor Mouse Trap, there's a couple things you want to keep in mind.  Number one, you want to hold it correctly.  Be sure that the trigger plate is facing away from you.  Number two, you want to make sure that you bait the trap before you set it.  You don't want to lose any fingers in the process.  Again, we recommend the Provoke Professional Mouse Attractant. Just take a drop right on the trigger. Now we're ready to set the trap.  
The actual set arm will be attached to the wooden base. It helps if you get a pair of pliers. Just grab onto the “U” shaped nail that's holding the set arm. Pull that out.  Now you have the set arm free.  You want to set it back behind the trap. You want to take the spring arm, with one hand. Pull it back and hold it with your thumb. Once you have the spring arm held by your thumb, you want to take the set arm, go over the top of the spring arm and onto the trigger plate. There's a little nook on the trigger plate that you are trying to hook the arm onto. Slowly let up on the spring arm with your thumb. The spring arm will hook on the trigger plate once it's hooked. You can let go and set the trap. 
Once the trap is set, you want to remember to never put your hands around this area. If the trigger gets hit, the trap will set. Now that you have the Victor Mouse Trap set, it's time to see it in action. Be very careful placing it on the ground. Place it down gently.  Push it up against the wall.  You always want the trigger to be up against the wall, that is because mice like to follow edges. And, they're gonna come run down the wall, either way,  they're gonna run right into the trigger.  So here comes Mr. Mouse walking down the wall looking for food. Smells the provoke mouse attractant. That's the Victor Mouse Trap.”